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And chapter 4 is up.

I wrote this story on my phone, so I didn't realise how short it was until now. I apologise.

"Yes, of course... I completely understand. I will get on that immediately. Yes Sir, thank you. Goodbye Mr Jean." I place the phone back on my desk, and let out a sigh.

Sometimes my job can be a real pain in the ass! 

I am the PA for a snooty businessman by the name Mr Alan Jean; the owner of JPL Estate Designers. Honestly, he's a brilliant boss and is very understanding of my situation and allowing me time off for doctors/ hospital appointments... He just really needs a stress ball or a punch bag when he's uptight rather than access to a phone. Rather than dealing with his feelings, he lets them loose on me and I HAVE to bite my tongue and let him talk to me like a piece of shit. 
How I've managed not to blow my pregnant hormones at him is beyond me. 

So here's me, taking deep breaths, squeezing the stress ball Mr Jean needs to invest in, counting to 10 in French, German, Japanese and Polish in order to calm myself down. 

"Do not swear at boss. 
Do not lose your job. 
Keep calm. 
Only one hour to go. 
Good girl Harper."

The phone rings again... 
Three deep breaths, and I answer,
"Good afternoon, JPL Estates, Mr Jean's office, Harper speaking. How can I help you?" 
"Hey there, Nick Jean here. Is my dad free?" Something about the voice sends my heart into a frenzy and the butterfly kicks in my womb to triple. 

I swallow, "I'll check for you Sir." 
Pressing the various buttons on the phone, Mr Jean is now connected with his son and I'm able to calm whatever the hell that was down. 

My pregnancy has been going well so far; mild sickness, and 2 midwife appointments. Today is my first scan; I should be 14 weeks if the dates are correct. 
I am so excited to see my baby! 

At this point, only Dean knows I'm pregnant. He's been surprisingly supportive despite the initial shock. 
Violet is still in the dark about such news- I want to ensure everything is good and healthy before my daughter finds out this huge news. 


"Harper Cole?" The sonographer greets me as I enter the magnolia box room. 
A simple white bed with a long sheet of blue paper towel across it, a computer and desk and two black leather chairs as well as the computer chair the sonographer is using. 
I nod, and hand her my pregnancy booklet, "yes, that's me." 

I'm excited but nervous all at once. I feel sick. I'm not sure if it's morning sickness or nerves. 

I'm instructed to lay up on the bed and undo my trousers. 

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god. 
Something feels different. I don't know what, but it's sending my body into overdrive. 
Is it a good different or bad different?? I don't know. 

"Harper, I can see two heartbeats. You're having twins." 


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