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Here we go, another chapter.
For a dream-story, I'm quite happy with this despite how short the chapters are.
Please remember I wrote this on my phone and I can't really tell how short they are until I've published the chapters.


"Harper Cole. We rang from the car," I speak into the intercom.
Nick pulls at the security door to the labour ward and we ease inside.

My contractions are now every 5 minutes and lasting over a minute. They're strong, intense and coming fast. These babies are going to make their entrance soon.
I'm scared but I'm excited; a bundle of emotional nerves.

Since that phone conversation with Dean, Nick has changed his entire demeanour. Obviously something he heard has hit a nerve because his voice has become softer, his expressions are gentler, and he's supporting me with the labour, murmuring supportive words. Just what I need right now.

A beautiful blonde midwife leads us to Room 6, blatantly eyeing Nick up. I don't know why but it angers me.
He's here with me, he's going to become a father and the damn woman is eye raping him.
How does she know we aren't together??

Once we're situated and comfortable, the blonde bitch aka Ava examines me, much to my dismay.
The feeling is uncomfortable and sharp; I have to squeeze Nick's hand to stop myself from lashing out at blonde bitch.

"6 centimetres, Harper," she announces with a smile on her face, "I would like to put you on the monitor for a while to see how the twins are reacting to the contractions, okay?"
I nod in silence because I don't want to deal with her more than I have to.

I'm not jealous, I'm just offended.
It's not jealousy, I'm pregnant. It's totally different... Right?


"I want this fucking thing off me!" I hiss out for the hundredth time. I'm not handling laying down, or being constricted to one position very well. Labour is hard enough as it is without having to stay still. It's impossible!

Nick looks helpless. He doesn't seem to like seeing me in pain, but he doesn't want to leave me to go find Miss Blonde Bitch.
I don't really want him to find her, but I need to get up. I can't handle this anymore.

Tears spring to my eyes, and I lose it.

"Go get the fucking blonde bitch! She can eye rape you or even fuck you in the armchair for all I care! Just get her back here so she can take these bands off!" I snap at Nick, not caring one little bit about my outburst.

Nick seems affronted at first, then smirks that arrogant little smirk of his and stands up, "alright then," he leans in close, his lips to my ear, which reminds me of our first night together, "but don't worry. I don't wanna fuck her on the armchair... You on the other hand..." And he straightens and leaves the room.

Shock hits me for a few seconds before another contractions ripples through me.

"Dick," I mutter through my teeth, "arrogant dickweed."

He infuriates me! I can't think clearly. I'm in too much pain to calm down right now.
Fuck him.
Fuck her.
Just, fuck!

I hear the door open to my suite but my eyes are screwed shut and I'm gripping onto the handles either side of me on the bed, trying not to cry out.

"Let's have a look, shall we?" Blonde Bitch murmurs, but I grit my teeth, forcing the words back down my throat.

"Will you just hurry up and take it off her already? She's in pain!" Nick snaps, hating to see me suffer.
Tears begin rolling down my temples as I lay flat on my back, the pressure of the contractions joined with the weight of the twins on my spine, pushing me over the edge.
A loud sob leaves my lips, and Nick takes my hand back in his, rubbing his thumb over the palm in soothing circles. But unfortunately I'm too far gone to take relief in it.

After the elastic straps are removed, Nick helps me up off the bed and into his arms. I can't help but hold onto him and sob violently, shaking from the pain.

"Harper," Blonde Bitch says tentatively, "let's see how you're doing huh?"
As much as I don't want to have her hands on me, or in me, I know I've got to do this. My babies need me to put my hatred for a woman I don't even know aside.


Tears are streaming once more, not out of pain or frustration, but from the emotions building up inside me.

It's time.
Right here, right now.

"Come on Harper, push!" Ava (I've given up being angry; this isn't about her anymore) guides me, "bear down into your bottom. You can do it."
I listen to her words, and push with every fibre of my being. The need to push has taken hold and I'm listening to the sensations.

Nick is stood beside me, his hand in mine as I birth my babies.
"Push, Harper, come on baby!" His words are my talisman right now. I'm taking it in and using his strength to keep me going.

I push, and push, give my everything until I hear a whimper-cry.

My baby!

I look down to see a wriggling form in Ava's hands, stretching and retracting. The room is silent apart from the beautiful sound of my baby's cry.

"It's a boy. Born at 1.35am"

The tears trickle down my cheeks as a smile spreads across my face, and my son is placed upon my chest.
"Hey little man. Happy birthday," I whisper, trailing a finger across his chubby cheek.
He's long and skinny with thick, dark hair. He's beautiful. So beautiful. My son.

After the cord was cut; by Nick, our baby boy was taken off to get weighed and cleaned up, and it was time to push again.
Exhaustion didn't come close to how I was feeling, but I knew it wasn't time to rest yet.

"Push Harper, come on. It's nearly over. You can do it." I took in Nick's words and pushed, hard. "You're amazing baby, not much longer. I'm so proud of you."
I grasped his hand tightly and pushed with all my might.

"That's it Harper. One more big push!" Ava's voice penetrated my mind. I listened to her. One. One more. That's it, just one.

Come on Harper, come on.
Gritting my teeth, I took a deep breath and bore down, pushing hard, giving my everything.
I wanted to meet my little girl.
I've been waiting too long!

A high pitched scream-like cry fills the room and I slump back into the mattress, breathlessly.

"It's a girl. Born at 1.42am."

Relief fills me at hearing the positive news.
My babies are both here, and safe.
That's all I need.

"Thank you Harper, thank you." Nick sounded so grateful, but his voice was foggy. His lips pressed against my forehead, "thank you."

"She's losing too much blood!"
"Call theatre. Prep for surgery."
Voices floated around me, but I felt disconnected from my body.

What's going on?

"Babies?" I manage to slur, "My babies?"
"Harper, the babies are fine. We have to get you into surgery. Now."

What? Surgery? Me? Why?

But darkness filled the void, and I lost my ability to hear what's going on around me.

What about my children? Violet? My unnamed babies? What's going to happen to them?

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