chapter 1

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(2 years ago)

"Jack take watch I'm gonna look at the map real quick" dad says
"Ok" I say

I open the door and stand on the seat
Then started look around
"Where gonna be safe...we just need to make it to Alexandria we can be like we have before" mom says
I look at her and smile
After a while I heard snarling noises coming around the corner
Then saw biters coming
" DAD" I yell
They start walking over to us
I get down and get in the car
"Its ok il get them" mom says
She gets out the car and starts killing them
I look away for a few seconds then i heard her scream
I look over and see her get taken down
She started getting bit and stuff
"MOM" I yell
"NOOOO" Dad yells
He gets out the car to help
"Its ok its o-" he says
Before he got tackled too
I go over and close the door
I just watch them get ripped apart
"Mom...d-dad..." I say in a shakey voice
I started to lay in the backseat and cry
They both just died right in front of me

(Present time)

I was driving around listening to music
"Where should I go..." I say to myself
I see a neighborhood
So I decided to scavenge around
I get out and get my weapons and bag
"Shit..I need bullet's" I say to myself
There was a alot of houses but I'm probably gonna go through at least 3
I go into this red house
There was alot of stuff
Some food, and water
I started to go upstairs
There was family photos on the wall...
They must've been a happy family..I forgot how it feels to be in a family
There where 2 rooms
One of them was just trashed and messy there wasn't really anything in there
I walk into the other room
It was the same but had some cool stuff
Like comics and other stupid stuff
I grab them and leave

There was another house I decided to look through that one
When I walked in I saw a dead biter
It had an arrow in its head it head green seemed fresh like it just got killed
But I dont know
I started looking around

After a while I heard footsteps come from behind me
In turn around and it was this dude..he was tall probably a few inches taller then me
He was wearing this vest..he had a cross bow
And long hair
"H..hi?" I say

He aims the cross bow at me
"You have a group?" He says
"No I'm alone" i say
"You look young to be alone" he says
"Well I am alone" I say
"Do you have a group" he says
He was putting the cross bow down
Witch gave me a chance to run
I started running and flipped a shelf over so he can't get me
While I was running to the door he shot me in the shoulder
"AW FUCK" I yell
"Why did you run" he says
"Because you saw me and you probably have a group" he says
"Fuck you" I say while getting up
I started to pull the arrow out
It hurt alot
"Stay here" he says
But I walked out
I heard here him run outside
So I tried to run but he caught up and pulled me to him
" have a fucking group"
"ANSWER ME" he says
I just looked at him
"No I dont" i say
He lets go of me
So that gave me a chance to hit him
After I did that he hit me with the back of the cross bow
Everything started getting blurry
After a while I heard voices
One of them was that guy and the other was a girl..I think
After that all I saw was black

(Time skip)

I woke up in a small room
With my hands tied to the bed
I got out one of the ropes then undid the other one I look around and find a mirror I look in it and I had no shirt on and a bandage covering here I got shot
It was still bleeding
Then I saw that I have a black eye
I had a headache
And didn't feel that good I looked over at the mirror again and the bandage started bleeding out
And blood started going down my arm I go to see if the door opens witch it did I go out and see people walking around
I see the guy that shot me outside in this house with a guy and a girl
I decided to walk over there
"Hey" the guy who shot me says
"W..where am i?" I say
He ignores my question and starts talking about not arm
I told him I was ok
Then I started to walk away
Every thing got blurry
I look at my arm and I saw more blood
I look over at him and fall over
He runs over and says "shit"
He picks me up and starts running
After a while I fell asleep again

(30 minutes later)

I wake up again but some people where in the room
"Hello" I say and they all look at me
One of them started asking questions
" name is rick I need yo ask you some questions before you can stay with us" he says
"Ok?" I say
"How meny walkers have you killed?"
He asks
"Walkers? in biters? Probably...20 I don't know.." I say
" meny people have you killed?" He says
"3.." I say
"Why?" He says
"One was girlfriend...the others where my..parents..I killed them so they wouldn't turn" I say
"Ok..we will think of it carl watch him for a while" he says while he walks out with some of the people

"How old are you?" Carl says
"I-im I dont know..probably 16 I haven't been counting the months..I gave up on that" I say
"What's your name? He says
"My name is Jackson...but go ahead and call me jack" I say
He smiles at me and he comes to sit down with me on the bed
Me and him start to talk for a while
He actually seems like a nice person

I start to sit up
Then I put my hand on his head and started to feel his hair then take it off
"I'm sorry it wa- it looked soft...witch it is" I say
He starts smiling at me I also noticed he was blushing
"Its ok" he says

He started to move closer to me but all the sudden the door opened and he jumped away
"Welcome to Alexandria" rick says
"Wait..this is Alexandria? Me and my mom and dad have been looking for this place since...this all started.." I say
I honestly felt so happy that I've made it here
Rick said I have to stay with him because they are not gonna give a house to a teenager
But I have a feeling that...I'm gonna have a better life


Ik I said I was not gonna make a chapter yet but here I am making 4👁👄👁 lmaoo anyways... enjoy

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