chapter 2

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Rick was out on a run so it was just me and carl

Ive been here for about a month
This place is really nice I like it here
"Hey carl" I say
"What's up" he says
"I'm bored" I say
"Ok?" He says
"I feel safe enough to be bored" I say
"That's good..I'm bored too" he says

I lay back
"What you wanna do" I say
He gets on top of me
"I dont know" he says

I push him Off and we both laugh
"Wanna go outside?" I ask
"Sure" He says
He gets up and helps me up but instead of helping me he pushes me on the couch
"HA" he says running out the door
I decided to chase him
He was running to the park
And I was catching up
When I caught up to him I pushed him down and pinned him on the ground
"Get off of meee" he says while laughing
"No" I say smiling at him
After a while we just started looking at each other
His eyes are pretty there a nice blue
After a while he pushes me off and pins me down
"Ok ok you win" I say
He smiles at me and started to come closer he takes his hands off my chest and places them on the grass
He starts to kiss me
And I kiss back he bites my bottom
And started to kiss my jaw

He jumps away
It was this girl I didn't know her
"O-oh hey enid" he says
"What where you doing?" She asks
"Nothing.." he says
She looks over at me
"I haven't caught your name" she says
I was about to say it but carl says it for me
She smiles at me and walks away
"Who is she?" I ask
"She is the hottest girl here" carl says
"Oh.." I say
"Wanna go back to the house?" He asks
"Sure" i say
He helps me up
Then while walking there he started holding my hand
I really didn't know what to do
But I liked it
We get back to the house

"I've got some bored games if you wanna play" "sure" I say
We go upstairs to his room
After a while we started playing chest
I was so bad at it
He kept winning
Every time he won he looked so happy
After a while we put it back
I started to lay on the bed
"What was your favorite thing to do before all of this" he asks
I sit up and look at him sitting on the floor
"Probably..going to the mall" I say
"I miss going to school" he says

After a while he got on the bed with me
We where talking for about 30 minutes then he started rubbing my chest
After that he got on top of me and we started kissing more
He bites my bottom lip and starts kissing my neck
He takes off my shirt and continues kissing my neck then he makes his way down
"Wait wait.." I say
He stops kissing my stomach and looks at me "what?" He says

"I- let me get on top" I say while flipping us over

About 20 minutes later we where both in our underwear
I was on top of him kissing his neck while he was rubbing his hands on my back
"Ready?" I whisper In his ear
"Yea" he says
I continue kissing him while pulling down his boxers
All the sudden we here the door open
We look over and it was rick
"Hey Carl do-" he says
All the sudden he started looking mad
He comes over here and pulls me off and pushes me to the floor
"DAD DAD" Carl says
But rick ignores him
He pulls me by the arm and takes me down stairs
He opens the front door and throws me out
I tried to catch myself but I hit the steps and rolled down them

I look up and he is just starting at me
Then I see carl running but rick goes inside and closes the door
I didn't know...that he would get mad over this..

After a while of sitting here I see someone coming up
I couldn't really see them because it was dark but after a while they came under the light and I saw it was Daryl
"What are you doing" he asks
"I just got kicked out..I guess" i say
" bad I guess" he says while walking away
"WAIT...wait" I say
He turns around
"What?" He says
"Can I stay with you for a while?" I ask
He looks at me and shakes his head I guess what ment yes so I got up and started walking with him
He opens the door and we walk in
"Go ahead and sleep on the couch i only have one room" he says
It was Cold and I was only in my boxers
"C-can I sleep with you...its cold" I say
He turns over at me and looks at me
"Fine go ahead but no cuddling shit" he says

I walk upstairs with him
I lay down
He takes his shirt off and lays down

(40 minutes later)
I wake up from a bad dream
It was about my mom and just kept like they died

I started crying I couldn't stop it just all came out
"What's wrong?" Daryl asks
I ignore him and turn away
He puts his arm around me and turns me around
"What's wrong?" He asks again
"I..I had a a bad dream..kinda" I say
He pulls me close to him
He puts one of his hands on my head and starts rubbing my hair
After a while I fell asleep

(Time skip)

I woke up alone
Daryl left some clothes for me to wear
I put them on and went to go outside
Theses clothes where comfortable for some reason
I saw carl and edin sitting down
So I decided to walk over there
While walking I saw carl put his arm around her and kiss her
I just felt...weird I felt like
Every thing we didn't mean anything
I started to tear up and walk back to Daryls

"Jack?" I hear come from behind me
I look over and it was carl
He runs over to me and puts his arm around me
"What's wrong?" He asks
I look at him then I look at her
"Oh.." he says
"I didn't mean it" he says
I push him of and walk away
"IM SORRY" he yells

I just ignore him
He keeps running after me
He should just give up
I was almost in the house when he comes up in front of me
"I'm sorry.." he says
He puts his arms around my neck and kisses me
"I'm sorry" he says
"I-its ok I guess see you around" i say

Come over tomorrow" hey says

I kissed him back and pushed him away
I didn't really care anymore
I felt bad...but I also felt hurt..


Um..I hope you enjoyed this idk this is bad lmao

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