chapter 6

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(4 days later)

"What can we do today" I say
"Can I kiss you all day?" Carl jokes
"I mean we can do that but I want to do something fun" I say
"Kissing is fun tho" he says
I start laughing
We just lay there and talk
"Since we are together now can I call you baby?" He asks
"Sure go ahead" I say
"Ok baby" he says smiling
I turn over so that I would be facing him And he nudges his head in to my neck
"Let's walk around" I say
"No I wanna stay here" he says
"Whyy" I say
"Because I found my comfort spot" he says
"Fine we can stay here" I say

He puts his hand on my head and started playing with my hair
"You have long hair.." he says
"Yours is longer" I say

I hear him laugh

"When is your birthday again?" He asks
"Oh..its the 3rd of July...I think" i say
"When's yours?" I ask
"Oh..mine was 2 months ago" he says
"I barely turned 16" he says
"Oh so I'm older" I say
"Yea" he says

We spend half the day laying there and talking
It was fun
He liked I liked it
After a while he starts to ask about my parents
"What happened to your parents..if you dont mind me asking" he says
I just look at him for a while
"Well...they got walkers.." I say tearing up
"Oh..I'm sorry" he says
"I had to kill my mom.." he says
"Oh.." I say
"Its ok..its what she wanted" he says
I placed my head on his chest and he just held me
After a while I fell asleep

(20 minutes later)

I wake up to screaming and a big bang like a tower fell
"Baby baby JACK" Carl says
"What what?" I say
"THE HERD GOT IN" He says with judith in his arms
He takes my hand and we run down stairs
"Let's go to my dad" he says
While he pulls me out the house
I was so confused
We caught up to rick and he took us to Ron's house

I looked out the window and there where so meny walkers..
I walked away from the window and fell on the floor
"Wh-what happened?" I asked rick
"A tower fell and broke the fence" he says while helping deanna upstairs

I felt scared..
After a while
I feel someone sit beside me I look over and saw ron
I look away and look at the door
After a while I started to calm down
Then I feel ron hold my hand
I look at him and pull away
Then I get up and run upstairs
"Babe hold judith really quick" carl says running past me and handing me judith
I walk down the hallway to a room with judith
There was bed in there and a cradle for judith I set her down in it and sat on the floor
"Its gonna be ok...I know your a baby and probably cant understand me but its gonna be ok" I say to her
After a while it got quite then I heard arguing coming from down stairs
Then there was a metal shelf that fell
I ran down stairs and there was nothing then I hear another shelf
It was coming from the garage
I try to open it but it was locked

After a while Rick came down stairs and shot the door open
It was ron and carl
Who where fighting?

I get carl and go upstairs
"What happened?" I asked
"He blames ME for his dad's death
I wasn't even there when he died" he says
"Its ok" I say
"He fucking aimed a gun at me and told me to leave you" he says
I put my arm around him and hold him
"I love you.." I say
"I love you too" he says
He looks at me and starts kissing me
"Let's go downstairs..and let judith sleep" he says
He takes my hand and we walk away

(3 hours later)

Walkers started banging on the walls and doors..then they broke a window and started climbing in
We all ran upstairs
"We're gonna die we're gonna die" I say in a shakey voice to carl
"No we are not" he says
I start crying
He puts my head on his shoulder and starts to comfort me
He takes me to a room where the others where
They where gutting the walkers...witch was actually a good Idea
We started putting the guts on each other it smelled bad...
"Ready" rick says to all of us

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