chapter 5

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I wake up to carl
Kissing my stomach
"Wha- what are you doing" I ask
"Oh..nothing" he says
He lays next to me
"My dad came back" he says
"Oh really?" I say
"Yea..he is outside talking to some people" he says
"Do you wanna take judith on a walk..I need to do something really quick" he says
"Sure" I say he gets up and walks away
I get up and get judith and put her in a stroller
I start walking around with her
"Let's stop by the store" I say to her
I walk in and look around at the food
There was alot..I probably haven't seen this much in a year
After a while I walk in the back and there was guns..and ammo
I place judith next to the door and walk in
I grab a hand gun and some ammo
"Ok dont tell anyone we where here judith" I joke
I walk out with her and take her to the park
"Let's wait for carl here" I say
After a while of playing with judith
I hear someone walk up to me I look over and see carl
We talk for a little while
Then we take judith back home
I was laying down in Carl's room
"Sasha abraham?" Daryl says
I get up confused and looked around
I see the walke talkie under my bag
"Daryl..hello?" I say
And he didn't answer
I should go out and find him
He can be in trouble..or something
I was gonna get some stuff but carl distracted me
He pulls me in the bathroom and starts kissing me
He stops and starts taking off my shirt
"I can't do this right now.." I say
He drops my shirt
"What's wrong?" He says
"Da- nothing...let's do this I guess" I say
He closes the bathroom door and pins me against the counter
"Wait wait..before we do anything your top" I say laughing at him
He laughs and starts kissing me again

(50 minutes later)
I was laying in the bed with carl
He fell asleep on me
I felt sticky and uncomfortable
"He should've finished on me not in me" I say to myself
I sit up and wipe the come off my chest with the blanket
I look over at the door to see Rick staring at me
I got scared and pulled a blanket covering my "thing"
(you probably know what the "thing" is 👁👄👁)

He laughs at me and walks away
I pull the blanket down and get up
All the sudden I hear
"Hello...anyone there?"
It was Daryl
I put on my clothes and got my bag and radio
I kiss carl and put more blankets on him and start to run down the stairs
I get outside and run to the armory
And grab an AR and some ammo
"Daryl...hello?" I say in the radio but no one answered
I was thinking of jumping the fence to get to Daryl but the herd was still here
I decided to take a risk and just jump over
I started climbing the metal fence but I got pulled back

"Are you loco or something" rosita says
"I'm trying to help daryl" I say
"You can't right now...there's a fucking herd outside" she says
She pulls me by the arm and takes me back to the armory
To put back the guns
After we did that she takes me back to Rick's
She opens the door and takes me upstairs
I go in the room with Carl and put my backpack down
I get naked and lay next to him
He was still sleeping so I started to run my fingers through his hair
I tried to go back to sleep but I kept hearing rosita and rick talking about me
Some stuff was good and some where bad..I also heard them talking about me and carl

I place my head on his shoulder
After a while I feel his arm go around me I start kissing his chest
"What are they talking about?" He asks
"They are talking" I say
"Oh" he says
I turn over facing the door
After a while he turns towards me and puts his arms around me
He puts his "thing" in me
"I- right now?" I say
"Sorry I just got hard" he says
He takes it out
"Go ahead...keep going" I say
He puts it back in
And starts kissing my back
"This position is uncomfortable.." he says
"Il just close the door" I say
"Ok" he says I sit up and close the door with my fingers
I lay back down and carl gets on top of me
He puts it in and starts going
He pins my hands against the bed stand

(20 minutes later)

He was laying on top of me
"Will you be my boyfriend now?" He asks
"S- be your boyfriend" I say to him
He got happy and started to kiss me

(One sleep later)

I wake up to Carl sleeping beside me
He had his leg across me
I look at him and he was asleep
I move his hair behind his ear
And started rubbing his back

I hear the door open and see rick come inside
"Hey you guys d-" he says
"Oh..I'm so sorry" he says while he walks out
I start to laugh


This chapter sucked

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