chapter 9

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(2 days later)

I found out that negan...was taking our stuff
Why is rick just giving him it it's our stuff it's our food we found the stuff
This is fucking not fair..

Rick and michonne went out to get guns or whatever
Like they just came back from another place and this random place called the kingdom witch sounds like a stupid name carl was telling me about it he seems like he must like it there..

"They have a tiger" carl says drinking water
"Really?" I say
"Yea" he says
"Wanna go to the infirmary?" He asks
"Why denice isn't there anymore.." I say
"I know but tara can probably help" he says
"Plus that cut is deep" he says
"Ok fine" I say
He helps me up
And we walk down to the infirmary
We see tara talking to judith
It was cute
"Hey can you help me with my arm?" I ask
She looks up
"Sure" she says
She gets up and takes a look at it
And starts to get to work
"I'm not a doctor or anything but at least I can do stitches" she says
I laugh at her and she starts to stitch me up
It hurt but I needed to get them so it wont get infected

she finishes me and carl walk out and walk to the house
I sit on the couch
"Hey um..enid is at the hill top with Maggie and sasha" carl says
(Btw I forgot what's it's called the hill top? Idk😭)
"Yea..I know" i say
"Do you maybe wanna.." he says
He comes and sits with me he starts rubbing my thigh
" you love enid?" I ask
"Well..yea but..I really like you more" he says
"Then why did you leave me" I say
"I was confused..I'm sorry" he says
"Its ok.." I say while hugging him
He starts to lift my shirt up
And kiss my neck
"I wanna stay with you..I wanna be back with you" he says

(3 days later)

They are planning on fighting the saviors..
I dont wanna fight but we have too...I guess

e tried to convince the people on the beach to fight with us but some of them didn't want to so we just took there guns
I felt bad I have no reason to feel bad
We didn't kill them or anything
We just took there guns
Some wanted to help but they couldn't
We drove back go Alexandria and started setting up
I was just sitting in the car while the others talked
I miss it when the world wasn't like this
I miss my parents...fuck I even miss school
I miss getting icecream in the summer

(7 hours later)

I wake up to me leaning on Carl's shoulder
"Hey..ready?" He says handing me a gun
"Yea?" I say
I get up and walk out
There where some people
That teamed with us or something
I climb up the watch tower and see rick and a lady
I look and there is some trucks coming
"Hey..get down" rick tells me
"Ok?" I say kneeling down
After a few minutes I heard talking...then nothing
I get back up and see negan and his people
He opens a coffin and sasha came out...she..she..was..dead..she was a Walker.. I saw that she tackled negan
The next thing I hear was gun fire
The lady next to me hits me in the leg and pushes me off
I fall on my back
"Shit" I say to myself
I get up and saw more gun fire
And people running
I pull my gun out and shoot a random person aiming at me

I'm scared..I get up and run behind a building "shit shit shit shit" I say to myself
I look over and see people putting carl on his knees
Then Rick

"Hello again" negan says
I guess sasha didn't get him...

"Fuck" I say to myself
I run up and aim my gun at him

"STOP" I yell
"Oh..its you again" he says
"Hows my pretty boy doing" he says
"I will shoot you.." I say
"Aww my pretty boy is grown up" he says
He comes closer to me
"Shoot me" he says

He probably thinks that i won't
"Ok" I say
I aim it at his head and pull the trigger but I get tackled
"You actually did it YOU FUCKING TRIED TO KILL ME" he says
I look up and saw I hit a random guy in the throat

A random person pulled me on to the road
He started laughing
He looked at carl
"This is gonna make you sad" he says walking over to him
With his bat

"WAIT NO" I yell
He is about to swing but a tiger came in and killed a guy behind him
There where more people coming in I dont know them..but they are helping

I hit a lady in her ankle and she fell
I shot her then shot another guy
I was aiming at negan but they were all running away from the people
I get up and looked for the closet person I knew
I didn't see anything or anyone only smoke
I run to the entrance and see negan get in a car
I got a rifle and shot him in the hand

It got quiet...there was no more gun fire no more people running around
They left...I started walking to the watch tower and leand on it
I watched every one help each other
After a while carl comes up to me
"Are you ok?" He asks
I start tearing up
"He was gonna kill you" I say in a shakey voice
"Nothing will kill me I will stay here forever just for you" he says hugging me 
He helps me up and walks me back to the house
"Stay here il be right back" he says while walking away

I sit on the porch and watch them clean up bodys
After a while I hear footsteps come from behind me i see judith crying
"Heyy its ok" i say to her
She comes to me and u hug her
"We are safe" I say to her
"S-safe?" She says in a shakey voice
"Yea safe" I say

I feel bad for her...she has to grow up in this world she is only like..3

After a while carl comes back
And talks to judith
"I could've killed him" I say
"I know but it's ok" carl says
"I need to kill him" I say
"We will sometime" he says
He helps me up and walks me inside
"Also..I told enid I want to be with you" he says
"Really?" I say
"Yea..she didn't seem sad or anything" he says
"Oh" I say


This chapter sucked I'm sorry

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