chapter 10

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•bitten •

(2 weeks later)

"Do you miss icecream?" Carl asks
"Yea..I" I say
"Yea I do too" he says
"What was your favorite thing?" I ask
"I dont know probably going to school" he says
"I miss watching movies" I say
"Do you ever want a family?" He asks
"Yea..I do" I say
"Can we have one someday?" He asks
"Well..we are gonna have to figure out how that would work but yea we can I promise" I say
He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer
I start kissing his neck
I move away and place my head on his chest
He starts moving his hand down my back he sits up and pulls me up
"I wanna lay back dowwn" I complain
He starts laughing at me the starts kissing my neck and chest he pins me down on the bed and starts kissing me more also making his way down

It feels good
I dont get why it feels good
Why the fuck dose it feel good
I laughing for no reason
After a while I let out a small moan

(30 minutes later)

"Ok..l-lets stop.." I say out of breath
"Ok.." he says out of breath
He lays next to me and pulls me close to him
"Now..sleepy time" I say laughing
"We cant sleep now it's like..8 am" he says
"Yea I know.." I say
"Well i gotta get ready i have to go out" he says
"Ok" I say while turning over to sleep

(Time skip)

I woke up around 2 I get up and get dressed then walked in to the bathroom I saw some bloody clothes but it seems normal I guess
I go out to look for Carl
I wonder where he went..I dont know
I see rosita and tara
"Wheres carl?" I ask
"I dont know..last I saw him he was out side the gates somewhere" rosita says
I nod at her and walk towards the gard tower
I climb up the ladder and slide down the wall and start to walk in the woods
"I think he is over here" I say to myself

It started to get dark but Its ok I look in the spot he goes to but he wasn't there
"Where the fuck is he" I say to myself
I decided to walk back I climb over the wall and see carl doing something with michonne
I start to walk over there but we all hear negans voice

"You may be wondering why the hell all your lookouts didn't sound the alarm" negan says in a loudspeaker

I run over to carl and michonne
"What's happening?" I ask
"I dont know" michonne says

"I dont know when we are gonna wake up from the next kind of shot but they should wake up" negan continues to say on the Loudpeaker

"Hey guys come on" carl says pulling us some where
I start running to tara
We all gathered at a truck they started talking about a plan
I dont know the plan but I'm gonna try to stick to it I guess carl runs to talk to negan and I follow the others
I'm so confused I dont know what the fuck is happening
After a while there was fire then alot of smoke then there was a big explosion...there where houses on fire
We climbed in the sewer and started walking
After a while i lost the others but found michonne
She was looking for carl
While looking for him we found rick down here too..then all the others
They where sitting here every one looked sad I have no idea why but then we found carl at the end
Rick and michonne started crying then I walk up to him and saw he's been bit on his stomach
I..I was shocked

How did it happen he cant die...he cant leave me he cant leave us
This has to be a dream..or a nightmare it has to be it needs to be
I started to lean against the wall and cry

"How" I say in a shakey voice
I fall down the wall and nudge my head on his neck

Carl takes out these papers
"I...I wanted to make sure I was able to say goodbye" he says handing them to rick

That made me cry more...he doesn't deserve this
He starts talking about how it happened

Rick hands me one of the papers

" NO we can save you we can try to help we can cut the bite out" I say crying
Carl looks over at me and places his hand on my face
"I'm sorry.." he says in a shakey voice
He pulls me closer and kisses me
It..was a long kiss I didn't want it him to stop
After a while they place him on a bed
They bring judith so carl can say goodbye to her
After that michonne and rick go talk
I look at them then look back at Carl

"We...we can.." i say
" guys cant" carl says
"Dont say that we can help...w-" I say while breaking down crying
He puts his arm around me and holds me tight
"I'm sorry..I'm so I'm sorry.." he says rubbing my back

I couldn't take it anymore...I didn't want to see him like this I get up and walk over to the others and break down crying even more

I look over and see rick and michonne help him up and take him somewhere
"Wait..for me" I say getting up
I start to walk with them
We walk out side
They where helping him walk while i was walking behind them
I don't want carl to die..I need him he cant die now..he just cant

We found a house and set carl in there
We start to talk to him more
After rick was done talking to him is started to talk to him
"I love you.." I say
"I love you more" he says
"I can..die to and be with you I can.." I say crying
"No you need to live" he says
"I cant I need you please.." I say crying
"You can..also..p- promise me..that you will move on" he says
"O-ok..i- I will try to" I say
"Goodbye" he says
"I love you" he says smiling at me
"I love you so much...I love you i..I just love you" I say crying
"Goodbye.." I say crying more

Michonne pulls me out of the house
I didn't want to leave him but I had to I guess..after a while Rick comes out with us and we all sit on the stairs
I cant stop crying I'm trying to stop but I just cant
I will miss him
While waiting we heard a silent gun shot
That means...he did it
I started crying more
"CARL" I say
"Carl.." I say
After a while the others go to dig him a grave
I didn't want to move so I stayed there
I went in my pocket and took out the note carl wrote me and started reading said

Dear Jackson
I love you I will never forget the stuff we did il never forget you
You are my first love il never forget that
I'm sorry we cant have a family like you promised
But I hope one day I can see you again
Or I will see you again some day
Also Stay looking hot and be happy I love you baby

I looked up and saw that they where done burying him so I decided to walk
Over I go over and sit beside his grave
I saw that they out put his on his grave I grabbed it and held it to my head
I can kill myself..but he dosen't want me to do that
I sit up and grab his gun
"I love you" I say
I go to the house and grab some of his stuff and my stuff there was a bag with my name on it so I grabbed that too
I see michonne and rick leave in a car
So they just left me here..
"Fuck you guys" I say
I walk down stairs and walk in the road
There where alot of walkers..i go back to his grave one last time
"Goodbye.." I say
I walk away and start to walk away from Alexandria
I was planning on walking to the hill top
I look back at Alexandria
"Alone..for now I guess" I say to myself


The fact that I cried writing this

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