chapter 11

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I made it to the hill top...I got hurt on the way here...I wish it would've killed me but that didn't happen
We fought negan..or well it wasn't was his people..
I didn't really fight I just watched...

They where cleaning up the was getting dark...I miss carl alot...I would do anything..just to see him again...
I was sitting alone watching all the others and people plan something..I see Morgan walk away to the gate
It looks like he was freaking out or something..I watch Carol talk to him
After a while some if the others left with an army..well it looks like an army...they brought alot of people
They wanted me to go with them but I chose to stay here

(Few hours later)

"SAVIOR'S" a guy yells
I grab Carl's bag and walk towards tara she puts her arm around me and leads me near the front of the gate there was this hiding looks like it's also an escape rout
I climb in and some other people clime in too they start climbing out the other side so I guess I follow them I climb the ladder and follow them in to the woods

"Hey wait" tara tells me
I turn around and look at her
"Help me please" she says handing me a gun
She has a few more people come with us..I guess we are gonna shoot the saviors..I don't know..
She has us am at one of the walls after a while some of them come from around
We where about to start shooting but bombs went of
I look over and see the people from the ocean..they where helping us I think....
We walk over to talk to them
After a while of that the others come back with negan
I heard that rick slit his throat but rick wants him alive..fuck that we should've killed him I want to kill him..

(Few months later)

Maggie had her baby..she named him hershel..its actually a really cute name
But..there is alot going on right now..someone killed this dude named justin..and now people are blaming each its getting out of hand
I dont get..why every one is freaking out..I mean that man deserved it he's a fucking asshole he was one of the saviors...he fucking deserved it..

We have negan in Alexandria...we cleaned it out and rebuilt it...he shouldn't be alive..he is a monster he killed my friends why the fuck do they keep him alive..

I really haven't been back to Alexandria since carl..i just cant go back there...I've been staying at the hill top..with maggie...and a few others..also alot of people that I dont really know

We built a bridge...or well rebuilt one
I dont know how it broke but I am kinda curious how it broke...

I was with maggie we where riding on a horse with this other lady...I dont really remember names that good I have no idea why
I place my head on Maggie's back
I felt really tired..I haven't been sleeping alot...
"Where we going again?" I ask
I hear maggie chuckle
"Alexandria" she says
"It will be mine and yours first time a while" she says
"Yea.." I say
"I'm gonna kill negan" she says

I sit up and look at her
For some reason..I want kill him to doesn't seem right..I dont know I'm just confused

We get to Alexandria I walk up to the place where negan is..
I dont really wanna see him so i decided to sit on the stairs
I watch maggie walk in with a crowbar

I look at my hands then start to look at my one missing finger
That fucking hurt like shit..I never knew a Walker bite could hurt that much...I'm glad we cut off the finger so the bite won't spread..I just have a little stump I guess

I look back up and watch maggie come back out I was expecting the crowbar to have his blood..but I guess she didn't kill him
I was about to say something but a lady cut me off

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