chapter 3

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I woke up and got ready to go to he asked me to I decided
I still felt heartbroken kinda..
But I just wanted to see what he wanted when I got there we just did some stuff together
It was fun but it didn't feel the way it used to
"What's your favorite thing?" I ask
"I dont know..probably icecream" carl says
"I haven't had icecream in a long time" I say
He smiles at me
"Umm..I'm gonna take a shower" he says
"Oh ok" I say
" want to come?" He asks
I didn't know what to do so I just said sure
He takes my hand and pulls me off the bed
We walk in to the bathroom and he closes the door
"I think it's cool you guys have running water" I say
He says yes I turns the water on
I get close to him and place my hands on his waist
"Want me to take it off?" I say
He nods so I pull off his shirt
I look and see a scar on his stomach
"I saw this last time but didn't did you get this?" I say
"Oh..I got shot" he says
"Damn the must've hurt" I say
He says yea and started pulling my shirt off
He takes off my pants and boxers
"Wow...I wasn't expecting you to be big" he says
I laugh at him
He takes off his
"Your big too" I say laughing
We both laugh together for a while
Then he grabs my hand and pulls me in the shower with him
We made out for a while then started to touch each other

After a while we turn off the water and run into Carl's room
He pushes me on the bed
And kisses me

(10 minutes later)

"So..this is why- why you wanted me to come over" I say out of breath

He kisses my neck and whispers in my ear "yes"
I started going again
And he let out a small quiet moan
He wraps his arms around me
And pulls me over so that i would be beside him he sits up so I sit up
He grabs his hat and puts it on me

"You look cute with it on" he says I smile at him and take it off
"No you do" I say while putting it on him
"I want to stay with you forever" i say while I get on top of him
He puts his arms around my waist and places his head on my chest
He looks up at me and says " too"
After a while we got tired and started laying there

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask
"I'm really not ready.." he says
"Oh ok il wait" I say
He puts his hand on my chest
Then turns over to kiss me

"I also..wanted to tell you that.." he says
"That what" I say
"I really like you" he says
"I really like you too" I say while kissing his chest
"But.." he says
I stop and look at him
"But what?" I say
"I want to be with enid" he says
"Oh..ok" I say
"We can still sleep with each other tho" he says
"No its..ok" I say
"Well..we can sleep with each other any time" he says
It just became silent
Here I am getting heartbroken again

"But yea..I like enid" he says

"I'm sorry" he says
I just ignore and start to kiss him more he starts to kiss back
I didn't want him with her..but that's what he wanted
I know I'm always gonna be alone..
But like who cares for one

I let go of him and lay on my back
He is still kissing me
It felt so good
I liked feeling his skin against mine
He makes me feel good

After a while I fell asleep

(20 minutes later)

I woke up to him sleeping in my arms he looked cute
I let go of him and find some clothes to wear
I get dressed and walk over to carl
"Goodbye" I say while kissing his head
I move his hair out his face and walk away

While I was walking down the stairs I see rick come in
"Hey" I say
"Where's carl?" He asks
"He is asleep" I say
"What about judith?" He says
"She is asleep too" I say
I was about to walk out but I say
"I'm sorry for sleeping with carl"
"Look its ok..I'm sorry I threw you out
I felt like carl was to young...but he isn't" he says
I walk over and give him a hug
"See you.." I say
"Your not staying here?" He says
"Go talk to carl about that he's the reason why I'm not staying" I say
"Are you ok?" He asks
"No I'm not I'm just staying with Daryl" i say while walking out

(Time skip)

I was reading a book and waiting for Daryl

I read a few chapters then he walks in
"Hi" I say
"Hey" he says
"Where were you?" I ask
"Next door..eating" he says
" ate with out me" I joke
He laughs and sits next to me
"I miss watching TV" I say
" and my brother used to watch all these cartoons drunk" he says
I smile at him and he smiles back at me
"I think there are some movies in that box" he says
"Go look and il try to fix the TV" he also says
"Ok" I say while I look in the box
I found some DVDs and gave them to Daryl
"Hell yea" he says
I put one of the movies in the player and it worked I was so happy
After a while I was sitting on the couch with Daryl
He put his arm around me so I put my head on his chest
"Do you want to go on a run with me Tomorrow?" He asks
"Sure" I say
"Daryl how old are you again?" I ask
"Oh..I'm 24" he says
" I'm 17 or 16 I don't keep track anymore" I say

(Time skip)

I wake up next to Daryl he was holding me i wanted to move away but he was holding me tight
I smile at him
He seems like a nice person..I mean he is
even tho he shot me in the arm
After a while I woke him up
He noted he was holding me and moved away
"Come on let's go get ready" I say
"Ok be right there.." he says


Hiiii this chapter probably sucked but anyways hope you enjoyed

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