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Mark came back around 4 pm, the four still out.

"How did it go with your friends?" Jaehyun asked, spotting Mark nearing the cabin they rented.

The latter shrugged, "Nothing new, just games and foods," Mark replied, getting the juice Jaehyun was giving him.

He went inside, laying down the couch as Jaehyun trailed behind him. "It's kinda quiet, where's Donghyuck?" Mark asked, Jaehyun just shrugging. "I last saw him with the trio, those manipulators? They went out for an ice cream," he replied.

Strange, Mark thought, as the four would usually lock their selves in their room, playing video games every time they go for vacations. Nevermind, he shrugged it off, nonetheless.

Just then, the mentioned four boys came in, the trio laughing while Donghyuck was pouting. "You guys are rude, I wasn't doing that all the time!"

Jaemin laughed louder, "Say that and I'm gonna film you doing that, bet on 20!" he argued.

"Where were you guys?" Mark asked, silencing Donghyuck.

Jeno coughed, "We went out for a walk," he excused, Renjun just nodding. "We were bored," he added.

"Oh, I thought you guys were playing video games upstairs," Mark sighed. Donghyuck almost rolled his eyes at their unit's captain. "Things can get boring overtime, Mark."

With that remark, he left the area, the trio following shortly after.

Although, Mark managed to hold Jaemin behind. "Is he okay?" he asked, Jaemin just shrugging. "Even I don't know," he replied, leaving Mark to himself.

The male could only sigh, all he knows is that Donghyuck wasn't okay, at all.


Dinner came, Taeyong and Doyoung cooked, of course.

Mark wanted the chicken wings, but it was in front of Donghyuck, who unusually isn't sitting beside him.

He's on the left side of Taeyong, who's in the center. In front of him was Jeno, who's 2 seats away from Donghyuck.

"Hyuck, can you pass me that one?" he plead, but Donghyuck just passed it to Renjun, "Pass it to him, please," he muttered, shortly and voice a bit lower than usual.

Renjun awkwardly gave it to Mark, who reached out for it, yet stared at Donghyuck for a few seconds before going back to eating.

They should talk.


Donghyuck helped Jaehyun and Johnny clean up, as Mark decided for them to finish, wanting to talk to Donghyuck.

But when they finished, Donghyuck noticed him. Mark did too, but Donghyuck just looked away, proceeding to go upstairs.

Well, Mark held him back from doing so, halfway through. "Let's talk, please," Mark plead, as Donghyuck froze, before nodding lightly.

Mark lead them upstairs, at the balcony.

At least the trees and the night sky was calming, quite opposing to the younger's mood and emotions.

What neither of them noticed is, 00 line's room on the most left of the cabin (without Shotaro, he roomed with Sungchan, Chenle and Jisung) was a bit forward, making the balcony seen from the window.

Renjun quickly called out Jaemin and Jeno as soon as he saw the scheme when he accidentally passed by the window. "Guys, guys! Mark and Donghyuck, they're at the balcony alone!"

The duo quickly rushed to each of his side, seeing what Renjun was pointing out.

"Oh goodness, I hope Donghyuck can keep up with his emotions," Jaemin silently prayed.

On the other hand, Donghyuck's hands were slightly shaking, as it's actually cold.

Mark was about to reach out to his hands when he noticed, but Donghyuck was quick to back away. "N-no, I'm fine," he stuttered, stuffing his hands inside his jeans' pocket.

"Ooh, he backed away!" Jeno reacted, amused. 

Mark awkwardly shrugged, "Uhm, okay..." he sighed. "Oh, by the way. I noticed you've been kind of distant earlier, plus you're in a bad mood this afternoon. I don't know if it's me or what, did I do something?" he asked.

Donghyuck quickly shook his head, "No, no. I just- I don't know, Mark. I don't know, myself." he looked down, making Mark confused.

He inched closer to the younger, lowering his level to meet Donghyuck's low gaze. "But are we okay, at least?"

Donghyuck looked up, groaning as he violently looked away, nearing the wood railing. 

Renjun leaned closer to the window, if that's even possible. "It's starting, oh goodness. Patience, Hyuck, please," he chanted.

The younger in the two sighed deeply, "I told you I don't know, Mark! I don't know, just stop asking!"

"Then the problem is me, when I don't even know what I did! Why can't you just tell me so I can help you?!" he growled at the latter, who finally looked back at him.

He was met with a pair of angry, glossy eyes, "Because you won't understand! I don't even understand it myself, Mark! How can I tell you when I can't understand myself too?! Leave me alone then maybe I won't be like this!"

Even Mark was shocked at the outburst, Donghyuck never was like this, ever.

"Please, tell me they won't end up fighting," Jaemin hoped, "But they already are," Jeno sighed, pitying the two at the balcony.

"Donghyuck please, I just don't like it when you're like this, I don't want you crying like this, please. I'm your friend, Hyuck, why don't you tell me? I'll understand you," he begged, not knowing he stabbed the younger with that certain sentence.

Mark held his hands, and this time, Donghyuck didn't budge. But, he spoke, "There are things I can't tell you, we'll end up losing this friendship if I do... you wouldn't want that, right?" he asked, and at this point, his tears just won't stop falling.

If there's one thing Mark knew well about Donghyuck that others don't is that, Donghyuck might seem tough or bright, but he's really emotional.

He just never expected he'll be one of the reasons to his tears, one day.

Mark squeezed Donghyuck's hands a few times, before wiping a few of his tears. "Of course, Hyuck, you know I can't lose you. But, you wouldn't lose me if you tell me, Hyuck-"

"Then go, Mark. Just leave me alone, I can't tell you, I don't know if I ever will... I just want to be alone, please, Mark, please," he begged, looking down, avoiding his gaze.

The older felt defeated, giving his hands one more squeeze before reluctantly letting go, leaving him alone.

He entered his room with a heavy feeling, while on the other hand, Donghyuck sat by the corner of the balcony, crying his own self alone, feeling small.

Thankfully, the trio rushed to the balcony, Renjun being the first one to hug him. "Hey, stand up, Hyuck. We'll get you to our room, okay? We can just not talk about it if you don't want to, let's go," he whispered to the male, who just nodded, letting Jaemin pull him back to their room.

And that night, both of them slept late, the scene earlier bothering them.

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