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The three of them appeared in the venue 5 minutes before the said time.

In no time, Hansol entered through the glass doors, sitting on a random table by the window.

He kept on looking around, as if finding someone, when he felt someone hug him from behind.

"We fucking missed you, bitch."

That voice... "T-ten?!"

The said boy smiled, sitting beside him as Taeyong and Jaehyun sat in front of them. "Long time no see, hyung. How have you been?"

Hansol visibly fidgeted under their gaze, until Taeyong patted his shoulder. "Hey, we're not here to threaten you or something-"

"But my father-"

"Oh, it's actually us who messaged you," Ten chuckled, shocking the male. "Uhm, how?"

Jaehyun chuckled, "Technology, that stuff. Of course, we're not named Neo Culture Technology for nothing, right?"

He just nodded, looking down. But Taeyong can't just look at him in that state and wait.

Instead, he took Hansol's hands to his, making the older look up. "Ten and Johnny saw you last night by the river, hyung. They heard, sent me a record, all that stuff.

You don't have to live behind that fear your father has built in you anymore, hyung. We're stronger now, we can defeat everyone that goes against you, please, hyung? We missed you too..." he begged, as the latter sighed, shaking his head.

"They'll just come after us, Taeyong. I can't risk to hurt any of you-"

Taeyong caught him off, "I told you, we are capable of taking them down and set you free. Can't you just trust us on this one and let yourself be happy, for once?" he ranted, his eyes glossy.

And who was Hansol to reject? "But... I've caused everyone pain already, plus... Yuta, I heard what I've caused him..." he replied, his gaze screaming his guilt.

Yet, the leader just smiled warmly at him. "But you promised us, right? I hope you know we always believed in that promise..." he trailed off, as a tear fell from his eye.

Hansol wiped them away, "Don't cry for me, it won't be worthy," he finally smiled genuinely, making Taeyong chuckle, "Noted!"

"But what should we do now... well, I mean, I have my phone with me, I can be tracked if I come with you guys," he hesitated, yet Jaehyun smiled, realizing he actually wants to go.

Ten motioned Jaehyun, "Call Jungwoo," he tasked Jaehyun, who just nodded. "Jungwoo?" Hansol asked, while Taeyong smiled, nodding.

Taeyong laid back on his seat, "Apparently, many things changed when you left. And to be honest, we have a plan surprise attack on you guys tonight, since we tracked the new headquarters you guys stay at.

All thanks to that certain Jungwoo, of course. And now that you're back with us, we won't let you be hurt by it. Well, all that's left to do is send them to jail with the proofs we have at the moment from the last encounter.

And then your father, who currently is tracked too. But we can't just send police officers there, can we?" he chuckled, Hansol nodding slowly.

When Jungwoo answered, Jaehyun passed the phone to Taeyong.

"Hey Jungwoo, last favor. Can you try access Hansol's phone and maybe prevent any third party from hacking it?"

"Sure, give me 10 minutes!"

"Oh, and gather by the conference room, too."

"Noted, TY!"

Taeyong ended the call, smiling. "We have to wait for a signal before we go back," he stated.

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