9, waking up

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- When you hold my hand, is it just by chance? -

I walked back to the studio nervous about what trouble the boys could be up to. We've been reunited for one day and they're already making stupid decisions. But with them gone the studio was empty and quiet. I walked in just looking around at how Julie had redecorated it. As I walked past the piano I felt as if it was calling out to me. I haven't played piano in what feels like forever, I mean despite being dead for 25 years but even before that, I hadn't played since before the boys died. I sat down on the piano bench and brushed the bit of dust that laid over the keys. Without even realizing it, I began to play the keys and was singing the first thing that came to mind.

"Eyes like emerald, you always know what I mean. The weather there is colder, we're wishing we were older. Throwback to the good old days where we'd lay down in the shade. Walking down the street kicking stones without feet."

I sang loudly with a smile on my face. I haven't played the piano let alone sing anything since before the boys had died. I hadn't done majority of the things i've done since before the boys died.

"And I, reminisce on the past but I, am glad I can't go back. moving on and going forward, driving with the windows down. growing up it's not or never. I'm living in evergreen now."

I was singing a song I had written awhile ago, one of my favorite songs i've written. I thought I was alone until I heard the sound of the door creaking. I quickly shut the piano, stood up and turned around to see Julie looking back at me. "I- I'm sorry I thought no one was here. I can leave-" I started but she cut me off. "Hey, no worries, you can stay. I didn't know you could sing or play the piano." I nodded. "I didn't know I could still sing or play. I hadn't since before the boys died." I said walking over towards her and sitting on the couch.

"Losing them must have been hard." I nodded. "It was, I was a mess after. They were the only people who made me feel seen or heard. My mom tried but she was always busy with work and my dad... he was a drunk. He could care less if I was there or not." I admitted to her. "I'm sure he missed you after you died." I shrugged. "I don't know. I miss my mom though."

"I miss my mom too" She said looking down at her hands. "I'm so sorry, that was so insensitive of me to bring up." She shook her head. "No, no it's okay. We both know what it's like to loose our moms, even if it's not in the same way... Do you think the boys are okay?" She asked me. I nodded. "They're probably getting themselves in some kind of trouble but they'll be okay." I told her. "What happened between them and Trevor... I mean Bobby." She asked. "Us four and Bobby were best friends. We all did everything together. He use to live here in your house. But a week after the boys died he played some of the band's songs in honor if them. After the show, some guy offered him a recording deal. I watched him take credit for the songs Luke wrote. My last conversation with him before I died was a fight. We were fighting about him stealing their songs." I told her. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea. He never mentioned any of you all. Maybe because it hurt too much or he regretted it?" I shrugged. "Maybe, or maybe he isn't at all who we thought he was."

We both sat in silence for a moment.

"They'll be there tonight, right?" Julie asked breaking the silence. I nodded. "Yeah, they're the best friends anyone could ask for. They wouldn't miss it for some stupid revenge." I responded trying to believe my own words myself. Truth is, I didn't know what they were up to or how long it would last. All I could do is hope they'll show up and not let Julie down. Either way, I don't plan on letting Julie down. I know how it feels to be let down by a friend and I don't want her to feel that way. I just really hope the boys will show up, especially Reggie.

authors note: hi! sorry this is so short but i wanted to publish since i haven't updated in forever. i have so many ideas for this book so i want to finish this, i've just had a huge writers block but i plan to finish this book no matter how it takes, i hope you're all enjoying this book!

thank you for reading/voting/commenting!!
<3, lex

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