1, avery

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—How long we gonna do this dance—

8:10... "Shit." I was late for school again for the third day in a row.

My father has this fun game he likes to play called...
"Get drunk, lose the car keys so that Avery has to spend 15 minutes searching for them in the morning and is late for school."

I can't wait to get my own car.

I got in my father's car and raced to school. Some overplayed pop song played on the stereo. I didn't pay too much to it because of all my overthinking about how angry my teacher would be at me for being late again.

Once I arrived, I rushed out of the car grabbing my bag, and raced to class. The halls were completed empty. I sprinted down the hall to the 300s rooms and arrive at my class, 314. Math... my first and least favorite class.

I open the door which creaked very loudly causing everyone's heads to snap in unison looking towards me.

So Embarrassing.

"Again Ms. Raine? This is the third day in a row this week." My teacher, Mr. Perez remarked with an obvious annoyance tone. "I'm sorry, My dad had-" I began to speak but he cut me off. "I don't want to hear the excuses again. Sit down, please. Mr. Peters can catch you up." He said signaling to my best friend who was sitting next to the empty desk which is my usual seat. I nodded and sat beside him.

"Avery, again? You know I can give you a ride to school so you're not late." Reggie offered. I shook my head "It's fine Reg, I don't want to make you go out of your way." I told him as I grabbed my math book and pen from my bag. "You know I don't mind." He insisted.

"Fine okay, you can pick me up. Only because I don't want to get detention, my parents will not be happy... not that my dad would notice since he's always drunk out of his mind but..." I trailed off and looked down at my work. I hated complaining about my family life especially to Reggie knowing that his situation is much worse.

"Sorry... Thanks for the offer, you're the best." I spoke softly.

"Of course... Oh my gosh Ave, Guess what! The band and I have a gig at the Orpheum tomorrow night!" He told me excitedly causing me to turn back to him. "Oh, Reggie! That's awesome, the Orpheum is a big deal." I cheered silently not trying to disturbing class again. "You'll be there right?" He questioned already knowing what my answer would be. "Yeah obviously, I wouldn't miss it." I giggled rolled my eyes at him before turning to face the board.

"Nice outfit by the way." He chuckled. I had been wearing jean shorts, a black tank top, a pair of doc martins, and one of his flannels. His compliment was interrupted by the class bell. "Ugh finally, Reg you're literally the only reason I like this class," I said quietly so our teacher wouldn't overhear. The two of us picked up our bags. "Same with you." We headed to the door but were stopped by Mr. Perez. "Avery, one more late day and you'll receive a Saturday Detention, and I know we both don't want that." I nodded before exiting the classroom with Reggie.

"I refuse to waste away my Saturdays stuck here in detention." I groaned as the two of us went to our lockers to grab our books before the next class. "Well, I refuse to let you waste away your day in detention." He replied. We arrived at our lockers which I was still grateful that ours were next to each other. "Ughhh I don't want to go to the rest of my classes." I groaned pulling out my books. "Unlike Luke, I won't be the one to encourage you to skip," Hs said smiling. "You're lameeee." I rolled my eyes as I closed my locker right as the bell for class. "See you at lunch?" He asked holding out his pinky. "See you at lunch," I replied wrapping my pinky with his before heading to class.

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