2, the orpheum

137 8 5

— tired of all the
will they, won't they romance—

tw// vomiting... sorry bakedpotatochipss

DECEMBER 4, 1995

I opened my eyes quickly shutting the alarm clock off. It was 12:10. I looked beside me to see Reggie moving in his sleep at the sound of the alarm. "Reg... Reggie, wake up."

"I don't want to go to school." He groaned. "You're not- Reggie, It's Saturday. Wake up." I laughed. His eyes fluttered open. "Oh, Good morning peaches." He spoke.

My god did he have the hottest morning voice.

No, shut up Avery.

"Good morning Reg. Wanna make pancakes?" I asked. He nodded with a smile. "Is that even a question?" He laughed as he sat up, hopped off the bed, and hurried down the stairs.

The two of us began making pancakes when we were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I answered the door to see three hungry boys standing in my doorway. "I smell pancakes." Luke smiled.

"Come in." I rolled my eyes laughing.

The three of them ran to my kitchen greeting Reggie with big smiles. "Hey Reg, When did you get here?" Bobby asked him. "Um... not long ago." Reggie lied.

Alex knew that was a straight-up lie. He looked at Reggie then turned to me. "Again?" He mouthed. I nodded sadly. The boys knew how rough his home life was and that he always showed up at one of our, usually mine, windows almost every night.

"Breakfast is served," Reggie spoke all charmingly as he set the plate of pancakes down on the tables. The boys reached out towards the plate but Reggie stopped them. "Let Avery grab hers first before you guys attack it like animals," Reggie said to the guys who all looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

I grabbed my two pancakes, three for Reggie and syrup before taking two steps back. "Dig in boys."

As soon as I said that, the three of them began shoving them in their mouths like dogs. I rolled my eyes and handed Reggie three on his plate.

"The chef should get first pick too."

"Thanks, peaches."

"So what's the plan today?" I asked the boys as Reggie and I sat down joining them at the table.

"We're heading to the theater at 4, soundcheck is at 5. Then we have a break to eat until the doors open at 6 and the show is at 6:30." Luke explained to me before taking another bite of his pancakes.

"What time are you coming?" Alex asked me. "I can come early around soundcheck, that way I can make sure to get upfront," I answered him smiling. "Good. I need someone in the audience to sing to." Reggie said taking a bite of his pancake.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Luke and Alex give each other a look.

I swear these two.

"Well, we better get going so we can get ready for later. Thanks for the pancakes!" Luke said putting his dishes in the sink.

"I feel like you just use me for my kitchen and food," I said to Luke laughing.

"Whatttt? Totally not." He laughed patting Bobby's shoulder.

"Reg, need a ride home?" Alex asked. Reggie looked at me then back at Alex. "No I'm okay, but I'll meet up with you guys before we head over there." He told them.

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