6, dark room

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— Are we this, or are we that. I'm second guessing every second, second guessing every laugh —


The last thing I remember I was in my car and the next thing I know I'm in this dark room. Did I die? I couldn't be dead... right. I didn't understand what was happening but all I knew was that I was alone. This feeling wasn't anything new to me. I've felt this for weeks. I've felt this every since Reggie passed. Reggie. If i was dead then he should be here too right. Wherever here is.

I stood up off the ground grabbing my head because I had a pounding headache. I look around me and all it was was pitch blackness. I walked around but nothing changed. Just more blackness. I gave up walking and sat back on the group pulling my knees to my chest.

Was this supposed to be the afterlife? A dark empty room. Trapped alone with thoughts. This isn't how I imagined it at all.

I laid down staring up at the blackness above me. The only thing on my mind was Reggie.

Was he trapped in some kind of dark room?

Is he okay?

Where is he?

Is he alone right now?

Now that I may be dead too, will I ever see him again?

My least favorite part of this whole dark room was that I was alone with my thoughts. There was nothing else for me to do but think and I hated that. Never did I expect my life to end this way. She imagined graduating high school with her best friends, seeing them become huge rock stars and just living the rest of her life and being happy. But instead here she was in some dark room alone, scared and missing Reggie even more than when she was alive.

I don't know how much time passed of me laying down staring up at the blackness above me. I thought of my mom and how I wish I got go say goodbye and Bobby, how I wish our last conversation wasn't a fight. He had just lost his three best friends a few weeks ago and now he's lost me too...

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