7, reunited

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— How long we gonna do this dance —

"Yeah... At least I think so? I'm not too sure about anything at this point." I replied unsurely. "How'd you get here?... In my room." The girl asked. "You're room?" I questioned. I was sure this was Bella and Bobby's house because I've been in this room before despite the few changes. But where were Bobby and Bella? And who is this girl? I looked around the room we were standing in. She nodded answering my question. "I don't know really... I died and was in some dark room then the music started playing and I appeared here." I explained to her. She looked confused and scared out of her mind. "Music?" She questioned. "Yeah," I began to hum the bit I had heard before I had left the dark room. "Oh, The band and I were just singing that." I sighed and looked out the window. "Maybe the music brought me back? Weird... um... sorry for scaring you though." I replied.

"It's okay, I've had my fair share of ghost scares... I can't believe there's another one of you." She began pacing. I shook my head. "Another one? What do you-"

My words were cut off by the boy with the red flannel coming into my view from outside the window. It couldn't be?  All three of them were huddled outside talking, but my eyes were only fixated on him. "Oh my god..." I mumbled to myself. "Are you okay?" The girl asked as she stared at me. "Are they t-the ghosts you were talking about?" I asked still looking out the window at the three guys who were standing outside the garage talking. "You can see them?" She questioned. I nodded. "Yeah... that's my band. You know them?" She asked. "Y-yeah... those are my best friends," I replied still in shock. Before either of us could say another word I somehow poofed out of her room and appeared right in front of the boys. "Woah that was weird," I said to myself confused about how I ghost teleported. The boy's conversation was interrupted when they noticed my sudden presence.


"Surprise... I guess I'm a ghost now too..." I replied softly to the three boys who stood there in complete shock. None of them said anything and all of a sudden all pulled me into a tight group hug. "I missed you guys so much," I spoke softly with my head rested on Reggie's shoulder. "I missed you too peaches," Reggie spoke in between sobs. I didn't even notice that we were all crying at this moment until I felt a tear fall down my cheek. When we all separated from the hug Reggie and I looked at each other taking at the moment. "Peaches, are you really here right now?" He asked me quietly. I nodded smiling as I reached up and wiped his tears away. "Yes Reg, It's really me." He smiled in return. "Wait Avery, what are you doing here? I- I mean how are you here?" Luke asked me. I turned away from Reggie to look at all three boys, "Um... I died a few weeks after you guys. A car crash..." I explained to them. They all were kind of speechless. "But I'm glad I did because I can be with you guys now," I said with a small smile. A small smile formed on Reggie's face as he jumped back on me giving me another hug. "I'm glad you're here too." He spoke into my shoulder.

After our reunion, I went with the boys into the rehearsal garage which was no longer Bobby's garage but that still didn't make sense to me. "Oh, who's that girl? I sort of scared her when I first showed up here but I never caught her name." I questioned. "Her name is Julie, She's the only person who can see us besides other ghosts," Alex explained. "Oh weird, So she lives here now? How did Bobby move out so quickly? Where is he?" I asked assuming they may know. The three of them looked at each other then back at me. "You should sit down," Luke suggested. I nodded sitting down on the couch. "Um Avery, a lot has changed since you've died since we've all died." Alex started. "What do you mean? I just died last night, how could stuff change so quickly?" I asked. "Ave... You didn't die last night." Reggie said as he kneeled down in front of me. "What are you talking about?" I looked at him trying to read his facial expression. "Avery you died 25 years ago... We all died 25 years ago." He spoke. I looked between the three boys. "That's impossible... No, no, I was in the crash and then I appeared in some dark room until I was brought back here." I was shocked, I didn't know how to process this. "We thought it was impossible too when we first showed up here. But Julie searched it up on her phone. It's been 25 years..." Alex told me.

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