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This is the same day Amy arrives at Cloud 9. Jonah is sat outside on the bench when he sees a car which is familiar to him pull up into the parking lot. He just can't place where he remembered the car from? Was it Amy's car or was he just imagining it as all he could think about for the last few days is how since Amy left instead of anything getting better in his life things just got worse.

I was sat eating my lunch in the spot I always eat my lunch. Dina thought it was weird that I still sat where I used to have mini lunch dates with Amy however I didn't only sit here because I was with Amy it was because I liked the atmosphere outside. Well at least that's what I thought, it actually is quite lonely sat here alone for lunch now days. Occasionally Sandra will come and stare and me and scream "GOD SAKE AMY" then storm off which if I'm honest does also make me look more lonely. But today was different. I was sat there when I noticed a car come into the car park, I recognised it almost as if I had been in it before but it wasn't my parents car or anyone else I could think of. It was Amy's. But what was she doing back here. She left. She lives in California now? As soon as I saw the car I jumped up without thinking and headed to the toilets, I didn't know what I was doing I wanted to see Amy but... it's just weird my body just told me to hide.

- Earlier that day after Jonah had seen Amy's car pull up into the car park, Dina and Garret noticed Jonah acting strange -
DINA- "Jonah! What are you doing you almost ran into meee!"
JONAH- "uhh..sorry"
DINA- " why did he look so panicked?"
GARRET- "I don't know. Last time he acted like this was when I mentioned Amy to him and he got all weird and changed the subject which I thought was pretty odd as last I knew.."
DINA- "he still loves her, yeah"
GARRET- "yeah, how did you know that?"
DINA- "the same thing happened to me when I mentioned Amy he got all sweaty and walked off, something is off I need to find out what's going on"
Amy walks up behind Dina
AMY- "what's going on, heyyy"
DINA- "oh there's our answer"
AMY- "what?"
DINA- "ohhh hey Amy, what are you doing back here, is this to do with the chat we had the other day?"
AMY- "yes, but you can't tell anybody you promise"

Whilst this was going on Jonah was sat hiding in the bathroom eating his lunch with Marcus who apparently always ate his lunch in the bathroom because he enjoyed the fresh smell on there...

Jonah and Amy's futureWhere stories live. Discover now