What are you doing here?

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This chapter is set on the same day as the chapter before. Where Jonah is currently sat hiding in toilets eating lunch with Marcus and Amy is with Dina.

Many thoughts were passing through my head. Like why was Amy here? Did she come to see me. Does she think she made a mistake not marrying me? Or is something wrong with the store?

MARCUS: Jonah don't you think it's mad that this is the best place to eat lunch in the store?

JONAH: the best place?

MARCUS: uhh yeah. Why else would I be here. Everyone knows I'm the trend setter in this store. Once word gets out I am eating my lunch in here everyone will be wanting to eat there lunch here to.
JONAH: but... it's so? Not clean in here. Don't you think that sitting in here is actually a little sad?

MARCUS: no you just don't understand because you aren't as cool as me this is the best place to eat lunch trust me. Anyway how did you find out so soon about this new cool place to eat lunch I only came up with this idea earlier when I was taking a dump in here.
/Jonah chuck's his lunch in the bin digested by the thought he chose to eat his lunch in there/

JONAH: I am actually hiding so don't mention to anybody that I'm here.

MARCUS: ohh that's too late I already posted a picture on my Instagram saying this is the best eating spot and I'm sat eating lunch with my best friend.

JONAH: I'm your best friend?... that's beside the point I got to go?

MARCUS: nooo but the fun was about to start. You are going to miss out.

Jonah panicking runs through the corridors hoping not to bump into Amy he heads for the door to walk into store hoping she wouldn't find him if he was just doing work as he could just keep changing aisle.

I walked up to the double doors and made eye contact with Dina. She is nodding her head right smirking. What was she trying to tell me is Amy there or she trying to tell me to go now as Amy isn't there. I just had to risk it I put my mask on and rushed out the door and kept my eyes down as I was going.

AMY- Jonah...hi.

JONAH- oh heeeeeyyy Amy?

AMY- it's so nice to see you, how are you?

JONAH- oh I'm good,good,good. (Standing really awkwardly) uhhh how are you? What are you doing back here?... that wasn't supposed to sound rude I just meant I thought you were in California how come you happen to be back?

AMY- well... (looking at the ground) I actually came to see you.

JONAH- mee uhhh..what? Why? What?uhh

AMY- can we talk in private?

JONAH- ok... sure I don't have long on my break but ok.

DINA: THATS OKAY JONAH TAKE AS LONG AS YOU NEED. (Shouting from across the store)

JONAH: uhh... ok thanks Dina.

Amy and Jonah walk off towards Dina and Glenn's office. Making awkward small talk as they walk.

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