Do you have a answer

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Amy walks down the aisle where Glenn and Jonah are stood chatting as she is walking she over hears them having a conversation.

GLENN: Jonah it's only you who can decide what you want as much as I want to have a say I don't know what to say...

Amy walks up and Glenn sees Amy and calls her over. Jonah looks up to Glenn as if to say what have you done that for!

GLENN: Amyyyy! Just the person I was looking for. What are you doing back? I thought you would be on a meeting with zephra I thought they had a lot going on at the moment?

AMY: ohh uh yeah... no.

GLENN: oh that's strange I thought you would be anyway. I should leave you two be, I'm sure you have a little catching up to do.

JONAH: no Glenn that's not necessary...

AMY: hey have you...

Before Amy has chance to finish her sentence.

JONAH: no I haven't decided on a answer yet I don't know how you can expect me to just come up with a answer so sudden. Amy I wanted to marry you, I thought we were moving forward I thought we was on the same page, but we wasn't. I don't want to waste my time again if it's going to be like that. There's so many things to take into account as well like long distance how is that going to work you're in California and I'm in St.Louis I just think the odds are against us.

AMY: You don't have to worry about that. I am going to be here. For good.

JONAH: what? but your job in California don't you have to be there to work?

AMY: I quit Jonah. I quit because moving the California was the worst chose I had even made. That job was horrible I hated every moment of it, but there was one thing I hated more and that was not being with you.

JONAH: oh uhmm... that's a bit to take in. Oh look it's Marcus he needs me uhh... see you later alligator.

AMY: see you what? Jonah?

Cheyenne walks up behind Amy.

CHEYENNE: wow that was weirddd.

AMY: yeah, do you think he was upset?

CHEYENNE: well it probably is a little bit forward telling him you are back here for good now and that you still love him, he was pretty heart broken when you left.

Mateo overhearing the conversation decides to insert himself in it.

MATEO: yeah on a scale out of 1 to 10 of being upset I would say he was a good 9. Did you know he ended up living with Marcus like what you did was so bad Amy.

AMY: wow perfect advice guys so helpful...

Amy begins to walk away.

MATEO: anytime!

CHEYENNE: so Amy wants to get back with Jonah and Jonah doesn't know if he wants to get back with Amy? this is the best gossip we have had in months!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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