I'm sorry

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Amy's heart pounds as she walks. Thoughts rush through her head. Am I doing the right thing? Is he going to take me back?
They arrive in Glenn and Dina's office.

JONAH: so...

AMY: Jonah, I want to tell you something but I need to you to listen. Okay.

JONAH: ok...

AMY: I made a mistake. I thought this corporate job was going to solve every issue. I thought it was going to solve problems which don't need to be fixed. Because I had you Jonah. Everyday I worked here and I spent with you were my happiest. You made me realise what happiness was Jonah. I'm sorry. I know what I did was bad, I know that I'm not trying to say it isn't. I ruined everything. Because what we had was special Jonah. You made me a better person. You made every single second so special. You made me feel alive and strong even when I was in the worst of places. You always have been there for me when I needed it most. I know me saying this probably won't change anything. But Jonah I love you. I'm sorry.

JONAH: wow, that's a lot to take in. I don't know what to say.

AMY: (tearing up) you don't have to say anything Jonah, just tell me when you are ready. Weather that is a hour, a day, a week, a minute, or a year. I am here Jonah. I'm here for good.

JONAH: I just... I just can't. You left me Amy. You left me and that hurt. I wanted to marry you Amy. I have loved you since the day I met you. You meant everything and more to me. I was only just beginning to get over you. And for you to say that again what does that mean are you all in this time? Or am I just here when you want and when you need me. Because I am not sure I am able to take that pain again Amy. I don't know if I can risk being hurt again.
Jonah walks out the room

AMY: Jonah, wait...

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