The story

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~chapter 36~

It felt so real and so true, his nose was touching mine and I could hear the soft sound from just that, he rubbed his nose on mine then he move his lips closer and I rose on my feet, too tempted to think straight. But then he was about to back away but I didn't want to regret not taking the lip, so I pulled his face back and his lips crushed into mine.
Oh my God, I couldn't feel my body, my heart really, really turned upside down, my head felt like it was field with sparkles. Bryan reached for my waist and pulled me harder into him, making my chest hit his muscular one and the fact that he was shirtless made me feel like my stomach split into two.
I found my hand in his hair and the other on his back, the kiss went on so soft then wild but then we released each other to get air.
He looked at me with too much affections I could not read it. Oh man
I'm so in love with the devil

"Nicole I got you breakfast so now sit and tell me what happened" he said taking a sit on the bed. I had told him that I wouldn't tell him until he got me breakfast but I truly didn't know how to start or maybe I was scared of remembering and scared that Bryan might do something stupid after hearing what I have to say.

"Uhm..." I said taking a bite out of my sandwich, I chewed and swallowed then continued

"Promise me you wouldn't do something stupid"

"I won't, just tell me"


The day Nicole vanished

I felt so strange after seeing Stella, it was like I did something wrong but right at the same time, it felt like I was maybe selfish. I decide to take a walk outside I came across miss chokes and smiled at her and she smiled back then said to me

"I love your outfit Nicole"

"Thanks" I said to her blushing.

I walked for a little while and was about to turn back when suddenly a car parked in front of me. On rolling the window down I saw it was Stella, she smiled at me, making me gulp in fear.

"Heyyy, how're you doing?" She asked exictedly, which was weird.

"I'm doing great" I said smiling nervously.

"Uhm... I'm really happy for you and Bryan but I think you need to know one thing first, would you come with me please, I would like to show you something"

"I.. I...huur... I'm at work so..." I stammered, scratching my head.

She laughed and said "aren't you the bosses wife? c'mon he's totally gonna understand" she said still smiling.

I smelt trouble, I even felt it but I found my self getting into the car, I wanted to know what she wanted to tell me but I hope my curiosity doesn't take the better of me.

Stella kept talking about her bags and her shoes, her money and everything she loved, I was worried cause we were already in Wame but she kept on driving.

"Stella we are in Wame"

"Yeah I know that" she said and just then her expression changed totally. Suddenly I felt someone grab me from behind and then I saw a towel on my nose and a sharp odour came from it. The male hand pressed harder, I was really choking, I struggle with the hand but he was stronger than I am, Stella on the other hand was smiling, soon I could only see my self drifting into darkness.

I jolted awake when I felt a heavy splash of water over my face, I blinked several times so I could see clearly, my hands and leg were tied, I felt helpless, I looked around I was on a boat and I saw my step father, Stella and Chloe who stood at the back and avoided looking into my eyes.

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