It's her

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~chapter 13~

Third persons POV

Tony was driving to his house when he passed Mardan, he wanted to keep going but found his car turning into a huge mansions driveway, he hardly comes to visit but it wasn't his fault it was meant to be that way.

He entered the house he wasn't stopped by the security guard because he had the right to. Tony found a woman in her fifties and man in his fifties too sitting together arm clasped together, they were talking to his nanny, Nora, no one knows his secret except Bryan, but no one should know his secret, it risky.

All his life he has been hidden away, he had to suffer for his parents love, his parent loved each other dearly and they would not let anything break them apart, he yearned for the love of his parents. They did shower him with so much love but he wanted to be close to them he wanted them to be able to call him son not act like he was a friends son.

He knew it has to be that way or else he wouldn't be alive or his parents would have been apart and he didn't want that.

He wanted such love in his life,he has fallen in love before but he left her just because of his past and his present he feared it would be his weakness and until he resolved his past he cannot build a fearful future. That's the only reason he became a Casanova, he wanted to forget the angel that walked into his life but he couldn't, he sometimes sees her in Nicole that's why he cared so much about Nicole.

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