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~chapter 37~

Nicole's POV

I saw Stella sitting patiently in the restaurant l, she was looking down at her phone and pressing it, she sat comfortably in a good posture and was smiling at her screen, she was putting on a red gown, seriously what is with the red all the time? . I was putting on something simple, a short brown shiny flair gown with no sleeve and a white snickers. My hair was straight and I also added some make up on my face, I really love my blonde and I was holding a fine white coloured bag .

I took my sit and Stella smiled warmly and greeted me. "Heyyy"

"Heyyy, I'm sorry I had a business meeting I had to  attend"

"Oh don't you worry, we are both busy business women, I also came in three minutes ago"

"Oh" I said bewildered, Larry told  me she has been here since an hour ago.

"So well what do you wanna eat?" I asked, the evening went very well, it was obvious Stella was falling for it, she said she has never had a rich woman has a friend. Well why would she?

We were leaving when she said to me. "You seem to really love snickers"

"Yes I do, I really do"

"Oh why don't you join me, I have a secret house I go to drink and be alone, its gonna be fun come on"

"Uhm okay"I said.

We got to the secret  house and it was actually a self apartment, it was very simple, it had a sofa which was in the sitting room and a bar were I was seated, there was a tv in the sitting and you can see the corner that leads to the room while sitting in the bar.

"Whisky?" Stella asked

"Uhm na, I don't think I want something strong tonight"

"Hmmm, but I want whisky, uhm... I get drunk easily so please when I start talking about a particular fool put me to sleep, can I trust you on that?" She said.

I cleared my throat and said "yes! why not?". Just then and Idea struck my head, I'm gonna make her talk.

Stella drank four cups and started blabbering about a fool,  I truly thought it was a joke.

"You know that fool thinks he can use me and  when he gets...tired he dumps me" Stella was saying as I pour more of the whisky in her glass, she drank some of it,  she was about to place her glass down back as she almost hit my glass. "But I'm not waiting for that time Johanna, I'm going to kill him" my eyes widened at this then I reach for my phone quickly and started video taping her.

"Who is the fool you wanna kill Stella?"

"Oh you don't know him, his name... His name is Daniel montegro, what a fool he is don't you think?" She said laughing as she gulped down the whisky again.

"Yes he's is, why Stella? why do you want to kill him?"

"He...he" then suddenly Stella broke into tears then walked away from the bar, she wasn't balanced as she was about to fall, I rushed over to her and placed her on the sofa, I went back to the bar to reach for my phone and then placed it on the table in front of the sofa where it would film her.

"What did he do Stella?" I asked, Stella sat up and hugged me, I moved my face away immediately, cause she reeked of the whisky.

"He... He molested me...he fucking molested me" Stella said breaking in to tears again.

"Oh my God Stella, I'm so sorry"

She kept on crying and said "you know you look a lot like some one I really envy" she said almost closing her eyes, she was laying like a dead body on the sofa.

"Who is that?"

"Her name is Nicole, she wasn't so cool, she was far from a fashionista, she was worse than a maid, she wasn't so beautiful as you are, but she was loved...she was fucking loved...all I wanted was to be loved...all...all I wanted was to be loved"

It was strange but I felt her pain, I had no idea she envied me, I never thought I would ever be envied, I also wanted to loved at some point, I had no idea I was loved I was oblivious of the love around me.

"The video....someone....the video" I jolted awake from my thoughts and winced after registering what Stella said.

"What video?"

"Proof... someone witness the murder and...and made a video... The video...I forgot to...get...rid of it"

I was alert immediately, could it be a video of them throwing me in the sea?

Stella stood up and started staggering, I didn't stop her I thought she probably wanted to go into her room. I would get more information later on.

"The video... I need to get rid of it" Stella threw off her heels and walked into the corner, I followed and she opened a door which led into a room. She went straight to reach for her wardrobe, she was still staggering as she opened it she wanted to reach for a purse as she suddenly fell to the ground.... She made a sound like she wanted to puke which made me pull her into the  restroom.

I left her in there and went to check what was in the purse, I removed all the stuffs in it and found nothing. I searched through what I threw on the floor and found a chip. I could hear Stella groaning as she puked. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want her to know I took the chip. So I had to  go out and check if Larry followed me.

He was so predictable, he was waiting in his car, and he wasn't too far from Stella's secret house, I rushed over to him and told him I needed a clean chip. He had to search through his car and luckily we did find one. I had no idea if it was clean but i just ran inside the house back and rushed into the room, I changed it and returned all the stuff in  the purse and returned the purse too. Stella was still in the restroom groaning. I check in on her and she was kneeling close to the closet.

I reached for her shoulder and patted her, she held my hand and squeezed it tight. "You need to freshen up Stella" I said and she nodded.

She freshened up  and went straight to bed after I had pulled a night gown on her.

I left the building and went straight to Larry who was smiling at me as I approached him.

Mission successful

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