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~chapter two~

Nicole's POV

I was so stupid I kept on stammering through out my day with him in the office. He is so bossy, gosh he didn't even act as though he knew me at all. Bryan was my crush while I was in UC, God he was so handsome and he still is, his face, his lips they are all still the same, except his body it's all built and I'm so sure he has those fucking hot six packs.

Oh stupid Bella, she's always shouting my grades and my achievement so he could hear them back then, she thought maybe he would also develop feelings for me since he seemed like the studious type and well approach me. Sometimes I feel he hates me, he showed it today, it feels like I still really have a big crush on him but I don't care if he doesn't feel the same way for me it's fine, my crush will fade away soon. I mean it's just a crush and nothing more.

I walked down to my house at Mardan and though we have such a huge house I look like a maid in it or maybe I am actually a maid.

I opened the door of the house with the extra key with me and I did it slowly and quietly, it was ten in the night they would be asleep now. I went down to my room well my actual room has been stolen from me by my stepsister, she said it's much more bigger than the one down the stairs.

I took a shower, wore by night gown and fell on my bed like a log of wood. I slept off and soon I started feeling pressure on my boobs then it went down to my thigh, I opened my eyes. It was my stepdad.

"You have a beautiful body Nicole" he said as his eyes pierced into mine, I pushed him off me with full force immediately, I sat up and scrambled away from him.

"What are you doing?".

"How dare you push me?! Don't you ask me any stupid questions" he whispered yelled, skittered towards me as I tried to get away but then he pulled me forcefully and then landed a blow on my eyes making me fall back on the bed.

Then he pulled down my panties aggressively and I tried struggling but he kept hitting me and holding my hand tightly,  I never gave him the chance to enter me... I struggled, pushing him away and him hitting me more out of frustration, I was getting weak I decided to scream so I can call the attention of my stepmom and sister.

"Help! help! please help!"

My stepdad held my mouth and said "shut the fuck up you brat!"

"What's going on here?" I was so relieved to hear my stepmom voice.

"Oh thank God... honey it's not what you think at all, she... she was seducing me." My stepdad said stammering

"What no I... that wasn't what happened... he... was trying to rape me"

"What'd you say huh?!" She barked, Oh fuck! she's definitely gonna beat me black and blue, I should have known... I should have just defended myself without asking help.

"I said what did you say? Did you say he was trying to rape you huh?! Is that what you said?. Speak up , you bitch!" she yelled as she slapped me hard and making my head hit the wall suddenly my head was spinning, I couldn't hear what she was saying. I don't know how she got the belt but she started hitting me with it, pain shooting through me all over... I didn't even know when the tears started falling on my cheeks, my head started giving an aching thud, before I knew it she already threw me and my bag out of the house.


I stared at the street, watched as the rain beat the road heavily, I hid myself in a corner so I would not get wet. The cold was unbearable, I reached for my bag, took out my coat and slipped it on. I remembered the look on my stepsister face she didn't say a word when on a normal day if I was being beaten by my stepmom she would always shout, sprinkling some sugar and spreading some sauce to make her criticize me the more.

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