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*sry unedited *

~chapter four~

Bryan POV

"So she's not in London, oh god then where the fuck is she?! I cannot hold on to it anymore"

"I know man but for now Bruce says she's not in London" my friend or my business partner Tony said, talking about the private investigator he recommended. I have been investigating since two years back and when I finally had hope of finding what I'm looking I still get back to square one.

"But I have to find her as soon as possible it a huge responsibility and my grandfather made me swear I would give it to her and not use it for my own benefit and some other weird stuff I didn't understand but now I just don't want it with me anymore, we only have the picture of a little girl, God!"

"I know, he said he thinks the former information was just to make him go to the wrong place, he claims she's in Cham"

"Wait she's here in Cham and I have just been waisting my time for God damn two years!." I said frowning at the thought of it.

"Chill out man at least now we know where she is" he said taking a sip of his coffee.

"yeah yeah" I said rolling my eyes and turned to my computer.

"Uhm.... you have a meeting five minutes from now sir, it was scheduled at the last minute sir and it with the Français they said they are sorry for the sudden shift." Nicole said with haste after yanking the door open so suddenly.

"Whoa whoa slow down girl" Tony said turning to look at her.

"There's something called knocking Nicole" I said giving her a hard glare.

"I'm sorry sir but it was really urgent and we only have three minutes now."

"Well that my cue to leave" Tony said standing to leave.

Then an idea hit my head"Take this file it's very important for the meeting and give it to me when I ask you to."

"Yes sir"

Nicole's POV

Wow I understood nothing about what they were saying in the meeting, I just sat there and watched what was happening. If Bryan needs me he will call me.

It looks to me that the deal was going great. At first they were frowning and later nodding to each other in agreement. Then after what looks like thirty minutes Bryan turned to me.

"The file Nicole" she said stretching out his hand.

"Mais nous avons terminé la réunion" one of the french people said.

Bryan turned to her and said "Attendez une minute, s'il vous plaît"


"Er... Nicole the file" I checked by my side where I had put the file with the other files that was needed. But then I couldn't find it. I felt stupid when I started checking on the floor, it probably fell off.

Bryan rested his chin on both folded hands and asked giving me the glare I didn't like "what's wrong Nicole? Where's the file?"

"I... I...I'm sorry but I can't find it."

"Are you stupid or dimwitted? It an important file and I gave it to you one hour ago, how can you tell me you can't find it you incompetent fool?!" he yelled at me hitting his clenched fist on the table.

It made me jolt as I felt a tear roll down my cheeks, he just insulted me in front of the other employees and the board members and the investors "I ...I am so sorry't happen again, I'm gonna find it sir" I said looking down.

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