He did it again

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~chapter 17~

Bryan's POV

"Oh my God Bryan you are bleeding"

I was? I didn't realize it, it must have been while was picking up the broken mug. I didn't want Nicole to leave, I have no idea why I just feel I can't leave without her, I hated the feeling, but I can't control it anymore, I have had this feeling for her since I was ten, I would always look at that little girls picture, which was the only one I had, any time I have a problem, I might even talk the picture sometimes, I have no idea why I did that but when I did it made me feel a little bit better.

When we were in Cham before she started her boasting, I had no idea that she was the little girl but I was drawn to her, as much as I hate to admit it, I had a crush on her then and that's why I can't control myself when I'm around her sometimes.

She wants to leave me again, no, I won't let that happen again, I have always dreamed about her and now that's she so close I can't let her get far away from me again. I have no idea about what I'm feeling or why I'm feeling this way but it's making me weak.

Nicole already brought the aid box, after all I did to her she still cares, she still tried to help him with her stepfather scam. I need to hear that in full details, why is he trying to scam me? I don't even know him.

I'm so confused, this only means one thing, I'm not getting any fucking revenge anymore.

"Sit" Nicole said and I sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry Nicole, don't leave" I said sincerely.

Nicole said nothing, she dressed the wound and wanted to stand up and then I pulled her back making her fall on me, I had to rest my back on the bed. Her hair was messy so I tucked it behind her ear and neatened it with my hand, she stared into my eyes, weirdly, I know she would be confused.

"I'm sorry Nicole" our nose was now close, then suddenly Nicole stood up pack the first box and went to lay on the sleeping bag.

What just happened? Well I caused it, I call her bitch the first time we kissed, fuck! How stupid had I been , she won't come to me easily though.

Fuck! just this afternoon I was planning to get revenge and now I really want her to forgive me, what's wrong with me? .


I went for a jog in the morning to clear my head and Nicole was in the sitting room with Nina already dressed for work...

"Hey Bri, please convince Nicky to come with"

"Where are we going?" I asked, confused.

"Ugh Bri, I told you this morning before you went jogging" I furrowed my eyebrows, I don't remember... Oh I wasn't listening, but I think she mentioned, quiz competition. It's probably the one that their school conducts every year, but why is she so excited she doesn't like going anyway.

"Why do we need to go?" I asked her and saw mom coming down with the kids.

"Because... I am also going to compete".

"Good Morwing big brojer" the twins said in unison.

"It's brother" mom corrected.

"Okay, Good morwing, big sis and funny lady" they said again.

"Hey I told you not to call her that" she scolded them. I looked over at Nicole and saw a bored look on her face, really it awkward to say but what can I do we are married.

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