I'm A Sparkly Birb

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I need to pass. Not because I WANT to go to their elfy school but because they need humbling. Rude asses. I closed my eyes and concentrated on Grandpa's forehead.

I reached out with my mind like I did the day before. Bronte's mind felt different from Weirdo's, deeper somehow, like I was stretching the mental shadow much further. Bronte's thoughts we're more like an icy gust than a gental breeze.

"First of all, you're fucking rude. You're not the only one here with common sense, I just have ulterior motives. And you're tired of watching Kenric stare at Oralie; me too, to be honest, just kiss already!"

Bronte's jaw fell open and Kenric's face turned as red as his hair. Oralie looked down at her plate, her cheeks flushing pink.

"I take it she's right?" Alden asked, hiding his smile behind his hand. I like how no one's fussing over my language. Or maybe I'm being ignored.

Bronte nodded, looking angry, chagrined and incredulous all at the same time. I know, I'm awesome. "How can that be? An ancients mind is almost impenetrable."

"So is mine apparently." I leaned back in my chair.

"The key word in that sentence is 'almost'" Alden reminded him. "Don't feel bad, she's also breached Fitz's blocking." I chuckled when he blushed, looking down. Especially when Bronte grinned and said, "Sounds like Alden's golden boy isn't as infallible as everyone thinks."

"Golden boy, love that. I'm using it."

"Please, no." Fitz whispered.

"Too late, Golden Boy." He groaned.

It's more likely that Sophie is exceptionally special," Alden corrected. We stan a supportive dad, I guess. "Fitz also saw her lift more than ten times her weight with telekinesis yesterday."

"Expose me, will you," I deadpanned.

"You're kidding!" Kenric gasped, recovering from his embarrassment. "At her age? Now that I have to see."

I slumped in the chair. "Only because you're my favorite. But I don't know how I did it?"

"Did you hear that? I'm her favorite." He stage whispered to Oralie. She giggled.

"Just relax Sophie, try something small." Alden pointed to the goblet I'm front of me.

That didn't sound too hard-and maybe it was like my telepathy. Another sense I had to learn how to use. That makes seven.

I thought back to the incident. I figured I could try to give myself invisible stretchy arms. I raised my arm and imagine the arm reaching for the goblet. Nothing happened for a second but before I gave up, I felt tug in my gut and the glass floated up.

I got super excited. Bronte started to say, "Is t-" but I wasn't listening.

I put my other arm out and raised a plate and pulled it to me. The fact that I could do it filled me with endless amounts of serotonin and I just went crazy.

I imagined more invisible arms until almost everything in the room was floating including the councilors, Fitz, Alden and myself.

Kenric bursted out laughing." This is amazing! Surely, you can't fall her after seeing this!"

"Incredible," Alden breathed. Oralie seemed proud. Bronte looked defeated. He was about to talk when my focus broke and everything came crashing down. Bronte's chair fell over on its back with a thunderous collision.

That's when I finally lost my shit. Everyone was quiet with shock until Bronte called out for someone to help home put. Then they all joined me in laughing.

KotLC if Sophie was a Delinquent BadassWhere stories live. Discover now