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"I will never understand these things.."

The lights danced around the vast ballroom, almost mocking Taehyung and his boredom. "Royal balls are the worst" he laughed slightly, thinking of it in a different connotation for a second. His face softly dropped back to boredom, as he leaned his head on his hand, looking out across the mass of people dancing and having a lovely time, unlike himself.

"Taehyung dear, go make your presence known among the people, you know your father doesn't like you sitting down the whole duration of these balls" Tae groaned as he stood, he hated dancing in front of so many others. "And watch the attitude mister. Try to find a nice lady..or man" his mother smiled knowingly as Taehyung's demeanor turned shy.

"Mother!" His mother laughed gently as she prodded her son in the back to encourage him to go dance. "Shoo shoo, go find someone to mingle with son" she smiled as Taehyung gave a playful glare to her, as he descended down the tall steps, onto the ballroom floor.

He glanced around, making his way around the crowd as eyes flicked to him curiously, and lingered much too long for his taste. Ill just have one dance and then father will be happy enough to leave me alone about it he thought to himself, as a woman walked up to him, most likely for a reason he was not interested in.

"Prince Kim! You look very handsome tonight!" She smiled shyly, making sure to press closer to him, much to Taehyung's dismay. He plastered a fake smile on, stating in a sort of playing manner (he really just wanted her to leave him alone) "So I don't look very handsome everyday? How unkind of you to insinuate" he gave a fake pout, as he saw horror play onto the woman's face.

"No no that's not what I meant! I'm sorry I-" Taehyung dropped the pout and laughed, he loved messing with these types. "No worries, I was only kidding with you, but thank you for the compliment" he put on a fake smile again, really wanting to crawl away from her. As she looked more relieved he felt less so, and glanced around other areas of the room.

"So um..Prince Kim? Prince Kim are you paying attention-" Taehyung had seen a peculiar figure, someone had finally caught his eye after all these years. He suddenly snapped back to the previous conversation, realizing the situation at hand. "Oh yes yes I was, I am sorry" the woman smiled and talked again (Taehyung wished that she wouldn't)

"Would you like to dance with me?" She inquired of him, while he had his eyes on the peculiar figure he had spotted earlier. "Actually I wouldn't, im terribly sorry miss" he stated briskly and walked around to the other side, not feeling guilty for it, walking up behind the peculiar figure from earlier. He waited until the figure turned around, to which his jaw dropped at the sight of this man.

Taehyung surveyed the bright red hair, and the perfectly sculpted jawline of the man, as his eyes trailed down to

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Taehyung surveyed the bright red hair, and the perfectly sculpted jawline of the man, as his eyes trailed down to... "Excuse me sir? Hello?" The mysterious flame haired man called to Taehyung and Tae snapped his head and eyes back up to his face. "Who are you?" Taehyung said abruptly, not knowing how to deal with his attraction, but realizing how curt he sounded, making his face turn red in shyness.

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