🎻 :: THE VIOLINIST __ 10k special!

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"Stay out of the woods at night, for many have gone in and never came out. Don't listen to the soft song strings, cover your ears and turn away, for they will lead you to him"

Jungkook sighed and look out onto the woods for what seemed the hundredth time that day, looking at it with a curious expression. "I want to go there, it looks so..beautiful, and mysterious, like it's calling me.." he slowly leans toward the woods, taking a few steps towards it. Suddenly he feels a hand stop him, jumping and turning around. "Oh my god Namjoon you fucking scared me!!" Namjoon looked at him with an angry glare. "What did we tell you about the woods Jungkook?!" Jungkook groaned. "I wasn't going to go in it I was just...looking.." "Yea that's what you said last time too, as you were at the edge, leaning into it!" He started dragging Jungkook back to the old house. Jungkook mumbles irritated but follows him back "Maybe if we didnt live in a hell hole..."

As they got back to the house, Namjoon basically threw him in the door. "Guess where I found him again" Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok and Jimin looked up from what they were doing, Jin talking first. "Guk-ah I taught you better!" Yoongi piped up too. "Let the idiot do what he wants, if he dies that's on him" Hoseok smacked Yoongi "Yoongi that's mean! Hes just curious" Jimin looked at all the group "Yoongi is kinda right though, he'll learn the hard way if hes not careful" Jungkook rolls his eyes "I'm literally standing right here, I'm not going into the woods duh" he stomps away to his room and slams the door.

"They just don't get it!" Jungkook huffs and sinks onto his bed. He sits there for some time, admiring the night sky. Jungkook was a lover of nature, finding everything about it beautiful, well besides people. He could never seem to fit in, even among his hyungs, he was always searching..he didn't know what he was searching for, but he knew it was something. That's when he heard a peculiar noise, especially peculiar from where it came from: A violin

He gets out of bed to go to the window. "Where is it coming from?" He asked but he already knew..he looked out towards the woods, knowing what he had to do and where he had to go. He threw his jacket and shoes on, making sure to quietly slip out the door, to not wake his hyungs. Feeling not in control of his own body, almost in a trance. "What's out there...or who.." he slowly made his way to the end of the gate, opening it gently. He slid past the gate out into the night. "Whatever or whoever it is...I have to see what's calling me."

As he made his way to the edge of the forest, he found himself not feeling scared as he should be. He felt...oddly calm and excited, like this place was welcoming, just for him. He walked in gently, seeking out his fate in the dark yet beautiful woods. Looking around with wide, curious eyes, he viewed the place with such awe. "This is nothing like my hyungs described to me!" He saw flowers and fireflies all over, almost as if they were placed their for him. As he looked around more, he noticed a path, right in front of him. "I might as well follow it" he trodded forward onto the path.

He walked along the narrow path, admiring the scenery around him, until he heard the sound of the soft violin again. "Why does it sound..almost sad?" He frowned and kept on the path, noticing as he walked longer, the brighter the area got, like a faint soft glow. Walking the path and still looking around, he saw all the fireflies and different creatures going the same way he was, almost as if they were being called as well. He looked at them confused, they seemed to be following the same sound he was. "That's quite odd" he said gently while looking around. Then he go the the end of the path..and saw, him, the violinist.

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