🛍 :: MINE

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"Here we are!" Jungkook laughed as he pulled up at the mall, seeing the other male bouncing in his seat. "Ggukie thank you for coming with me to shop" giggled Taehyung, giving his ggukie a cute smile. Jungkook softly pinched his cheek and cooed at him. "Anything for you bubs" he laughed back at him and pecked his cute, pouty lips quickly.

Tae only smiled wider at the affection, but quickly got out as he was excited to shop for...things. They both held hands and walked into the mall, Taehyung skirt swishing as he walked on. Jungkook held him close as he walked, nothing Tae's eyes catching on the more..adult kind of store.

"Oh, you'd like to go in there?"

Kook smirked softly and he gripped Tae's waist a little tighter, earning a squeak from him. Taehyung, being a deep red from his shyness, only nodded and bit his lips, a wonderful distraction for Kook to gaze at before he spoke again. "Then let's go baby" he tugged Tae into the store, looking over at all it had to offer, spying cute things he'd love to see on his precious baby.

"Pick out anything you'd like doll" Jungkook gave a gentle smile to the older and hugged his waist affectionately before letting go to make his own selection of things. Leaving Taehyung alone in his part of the store, he searched around for a few items, still keeping an eye on his little one.

Tae quickly glanced around at the variety of lingerie before him, his cheeks turning a soft pink. "Hmm..ill look for sets first" he decided as he walked down a specific aisle. As he did so, he felt a pair of eyes on his rear, eyes that didn't belong to his Jungkookie. He felt his face heat up from embarrassment, and walked away quickly.

"What a cutie you are, what are you looking for beautiful?"

The stranger called to him, towering over him as they placed an arm in the side wall to somewhat pin Taehyung to it. "Just a set of..you know" he gently squeaked out, shy of the attention he was getting, and this attention he didn't like much.

"Why don't I help you hm? There's some pretty ones that would fit your sexy body just right"

He smirked, and Taehyung felt profusely disgusted. As he was about to answer, he sees a furious Jungkook in his peripheral vision. "What the fuck do you think you're saying to whats mine." Kook growled aggressively to the man, pulling Taehyung to him, surprisingly gently.

"Oh hes yours? I'm sure he would do much better under me."

The guy laughed and looked Taehyung up and down with his eyes, then picked his lips. Tae turned a deep red from the uncomfortable feeling and snuggled closer to Jungkook's chest.

"Beat it you fucking creep."

Jungkook eyed the man down with daunting eyes, the man finally putting his hands up in defeat. "Fine, hes not that pretty anyways." He huffed, while walking away from the close pair.

When the man had finally left, Taehyumg looked up at Kook who was holding him close, as he was about to say something. "Kookie i-" Taehyung was cut off by Jungkook pulling him abruptly into the nearest fitting room.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung called to him as he squeaked his name out. But the called male did not answer, he only locked the door behind him and faced Taehyung with angry eyes, ripping his own shirt off.

"What are you doing?!" Tae once again squeaked, his face turning a deep red as he stared at Jungkook's exposed chest, liking where this was going. Jungkook only stalked closer, finally so close to Taehyung's face they could feel each other's breath.

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