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This chapter is based on fears! I don't know why... anyways! I forgot to say Luis belongs to @Luke-The-Neko

Everyone was by now sitting in there first class. The morning news then came on.

* On TV*

Birdo and Yoshi: Good Morning Star High School!

Yoshi: I am Yoshi, your host!

Birdo: And i am Birdo, Your Co-Host!

Yoshi: Today we have a special guest!

Peach: ~Hello!

Birdo: So what brings you here Peach?

Peach: Well i am glad you asked Birdo! I am here to tell everyone: Are you trying to come up with a special way to ask your special someone? Are you in need of looking for a special someone? Come to my booth during lunch! I am Peachy Peach the Match Maker!

Yoshi: Well you heard her forks! If ya need love advise come seek the match maker herself!

Birdo: Also don't forget that everyone needs to sign up to help make the dance possible!

Yoshi: The sign up sheet is in the cafeteria!

Birdo:Also today for Lunch we will be having Mac and cheese!

Yoshi: Also grilled cheese sandwiches!

Birdo: And now, Congratulations to

Luis for becoming Captain of the basketball team! Also Matthew on becoming Co-Captain!

Yoshi: Let's not forget our Tennis team! Congratulations to BubbleGum on becoming Captain!

Birdo: Well that's all the news for today!

Yoshi: I am Yoshi!

Birdo: And i am Birdo!

Yoshi and Birdo: And this was Go-

Peach: And i am Peach!

* The TV goes black*

No one was of course surprised to see Peach on T.v. or that she was also the match maker. Classes of course where boring, up until gym class came...

Everyone was by now in gym class and did Mr.Dk have an announcement to make. " Everyone we will be joining the next class for swimming, for a week!" Many cheered. While others, like Peach groaned. As for others worried looks crossed there face. They all then walked to the pool, and everyone went to the locker rooms.

* In the Girl's locker room*

" Hey Vi, are you okay? " Asked Liz, who was just flying around. Violet's face was super pale, and she was even shaking a bit. A girl then walks in, she was wearing the same as Violet, but in green. " B-BubbleGum? " Violet shuttered. The girl looked at her and smiled. She then ran up to Violet and hugged her. Liz stared at the two confused, but she noticed they wore the same, only different colored. The girl who's name is BubbleGum explained she was also the sister of the Mario brothers. Violet and BubbleGum had a long hug before getting ready, but she also noticed Violet seemed a bit off. " Are you okay? " BubbleGum asked,a bit worried. Violet then whispered " I am scared of water" BubbleGum nodded in understanding and then began to smile. " Don't worry sister, you have me! " She said, and Liz joined in. " You have me too! " Violet stares at Liz with a confused look. " Liz, Mr.Dk is probably gonna excuse you again. You will be with Peach. .." she says, with a hint of sadness. Liz then taps her necklace and turns human. " I am done with Peach! " She says. Violet then stopped shaking, and her face began turning back to it's normal color. Melanie and Shadow have happened to be floating around. " Hey if Liz is going to swim, then it's just You, me, Daisy, And peach " Said Shadow. The two stared at each, and black sparkles surrounded Melanie. She turned human and quickly changes into a black bathing suit. Of course she didn't forget her headphones, she never took them off. Shadow turned human too, and wore a green swimsuit. The two then looked at each other, " Swimming is way better then hearing Peach talk about shoes, and my music is on high volume! " Melanie states and the two walk to the pool. Mr.Dk then ordered everyone to jump in. Some used the stairs and others jumped in. Violet, Liz, Shadow, And Melanie all stared back." Would now be a bad time to tell you i can't swim and i am scared of water? " Liz said while they all stared at the water. Mr.Dk then blew his whistle and told them to get in. Shadow smirked and pushed Liz and Violet in. The two began to panic only later to realize they could touch the water. They then looked back at her with the -_- face. She simply smiled and looked at Melanie. She shrugged and jumped in and Shadow did the same. The rest of class wasn't so bad for the quad. They all walked back to the locker room with confidence. " You guys do know, we have swimming all of next week right?" Says BubbleGum following them in. Liz and Violet froze, they had forgotten about that small detail. Shadow and Melanie turned into boos again and floated to lunch.Liz quickly changed and, decided to be human for a while longer. She also decided to go to lunch early then wait for Violet. She did promise to save her seat, but that was a mistake. Since Liz and Violet where a bit shock they where sort of the last ones to leave. Liz walked down the hall to lunch, till someone pushed her down. She looked up, only to see the same evil smile by the one and only, Peach. " What do you want? " Liz said trying to get up but Peach stopping her. " What happened to you Lizy? Your on our side remember? " Peach said. Liz managed to get up and run away. " I'll never join your side! " she yelled before tapping her necklace and turning back into a sprixie.She then flew off and Peach stared down the hallway and said " Daisy ." Daisy looked at her and said "Yeah? " Peach continued to stare off into the distance, and the evil smile came back. " I am gonna need a jar "

* Lunch Time, Violet's Pov *

I walked into the cafeteria and i noticed Peach's match making booth. Then i remembered we all have to help make the dance possibly one way or another. I walked to the table next to Peach's booth, which is the sign up sheet. I saw Dixie Kong and i said " Hi " She looked up at me and asked " How would you like to help the dance become possible? " I thought for a moment and said " Decorating? " She shook her head, " Sorry Decorating is full." I nodded and tried to think of something else. Liz then came and asked" Can i help decorate? " Dixie then began to explain and Liz took out a napkin. When Dixie finished explaining , Liz had folded the napkin into a heart. " That's very impressive but- " Liz cut her off by showing her a napkin folded into a star. " I am still not Imp- " Said Dixie and Liz folded another napkin into a banana. " Alright fine you have skills and maybe with your folding we can use the money on lights and other things then decorations. " Dixie said in defeat. " Wait what about me? " I asked, seeing how i was here first. Dixie sighed and said " Fine you too! Just don't tell anyone i squeezed you two in! " She then walked away, she took the folded banana napkin with her. " How did you do that? " i asked her. She then hands me a napkin folded into a flower. " I have so much time, i kind of mastered the art of folding." She says before flying back to the table. I then noticed Dixie left the sign up sheet and i take a look at it.













Bowser jr








It sure was long list but then someone asks " What are you doing? " I look around and notice it's Matthew. " Just looking " I say before walking away. There's something fishy about that guy, his name was first. I thought Peach ruled the school, so wouldn't her name be first? I sat down next to Liz and noticed BubbleGum was talking about how me and Liz where scared at the pool. " Aren't you scared of something BubbleGum? " I say and she stares at her spaghetti. Me, BubbleGum, Luigi and especially Mario have a thing for spaghetti. She then says, barely above a whisper " Spiders." Shadow then snaps her fingers and a spider appears at the center of the table. BubbleGum and Luis begin to panic and beg for Shadow to make it go away. Luigi laughs at Luis which only makes Luis mad. Shadow then snaps her fingers and the spider disappears. " That was my pet spider " She says with a smile. Luis then somewhat yelling says" What are you afraid of?" He then points his fingers at Alissa. She then stared at her plate, Luis had just realized he pointed his fingers to the wrong person. She then said " Elevators " and everyone grew quiet.Shadow then snapped her fingers and everyone appeared at the schools old elevator. Alissa stared at it terrified and Luigi stepped up. " Don't worry Alissa, I'll go with you." She nodded and the two walked in. Luis then grew mad with jealously but that's when he noticed he has developed feelings for her. The elevator door soon opens to reveal a blushing Alissa and a very red Luigi. " So maybe Elevators aren't that bad?" Alissa said in a dreamy tone. The bell soon rung, and before anyone left, Zoey said. " Don't forget gals, tonight's my sleepover! " With that said everyone walked to class feeling a bit confident about themselves.

Well that's all! BubbleGum belongs to NintendoBubbleGum i hope you guys liked it! Bye! ~ Liz

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