Chapter 29: Without a Leader...

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Yay i kept my promise! ^.^ Also i am pretty sure you all know why i take forever to update so no need to explain. I do hope you enjoy though! >.<

Chapter 29: Without a Leader...

I watch the students come in one by one. I am so excited to see what the students will come up with, for today is there last day on this project. It is also the day before the big game, which i am sure students are prepped up for. The bell rings, so i tell everyone to contuine working on there projects. I take attendance, and i notice both Lizy Sprinkles aren't here. Also Violet Mario is absent...

" partner isn't here..." Peach says with a smirk. " Great Job, Daisy! You did it! " she whispers. I am not really paying attention, " Daisy? " I am trying to come up with a way to tell Peach i didn't freeze Violet " Daisy can i have the wand back? " It's what she wants me to do. " Earth to Daisy! " I just couldn't do it! " Couldn't do what? " Peach asks annyoed. " Huh? Oh sorry..i just couldn't....get the freezing spell right! " I say, noticing all eyes on me. I didn't realize i was speaking so loudly. "Hey! Shut up a bit! You'll spoil everything!" Peach says quietly. I grumble and say again,"I just couldn't get the freezing spell right..."

"Are you kidding me?!" Peach almost yells,"Ugh, never have your cousin do the work! Now, where's the wand?!"

I have the wand, but I am so done with Peach's evil deeds. So, once again, I lie.

"I-I don't have it..."

"Excuse me? You don't have it? Well where is it?!"

She is nearly yelling, trying to quiet down. Anger is making her more frustrated.

My face turns a bit red, thinking of how I should reply. The teacher says we should all begin to work. Peach then already continues on with her project. She still looks upset, but I could tell she's happy to know her partner isn't here.

"Oh Liz... Vi... Why aren't you here when I need you?" I thought.

My partner isn't here either, so class for me went by slow. The bell soon rings and i quickly run out the classroom. I don't even dare wait for Peach because i am scared she might yell at me. I can't belive i am living in fear. I didn't even hear the afternoon announcements go on. I run to the soccer field, it is after school anyways. I am hoping to find Violet, she is the soccer captain. I however, spoke too soon. No matter how long the whole team waited, Vi never showed up. Since Violet never showed up, i because captain of the team. Sure i always dreamed of being captain of the team, but something felt wrong. I know Violet is missing and playing without her just isn't the same. Practice didn't go so well as we all hoped for. Worest of all, it's the last day of practice before the big game. The school we are up against is a tough team to beat, they always win! They aren't a good sport about it either, there just TOO fast. We all walk to the locker rooms very depressed. Psychic then comes up to me. " Hey Daisy..." she says shyly. I do a fake smile because this day simply hasn't been the greatest. " Hey Psychic, what's sup? " i say. " Do you think we stand a chance tomorrow? " she asks while staring at the ground. She looks up at me, to which i have no answer. What would Violet do? I sigh and look at my locker. The wand is sticking out of my bag. Ignoring Psychic question, i ask one myself. " Hey Psychic, can you do me a favor? " I say, while grabbing the wand and turing around. She nods and i hand her the wand. " Great! Can you give this to either Liz or Violet? Thanks! Got to go! Bye! " I grab my stuff and run. That wand has been driving everyone, especially me, crazy! Now that it's out of my hands, i don't have to worry about it anymore! I don't even care if Peach will get mad at me, for now, i am free! I happily wait for the bus, without a care in the world. While Psychic stares at the wand, saying " ...sure " before Daisy could even hear it.

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