Magic And Love! <3

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Hmm..Don't know what to say, so enjoy! : D

" Come on Dais! Gym class is going to be a blast! "Says Peach, who is practically out the door. Daisy is organizing herself, but follows." Since when did you like gym class? "She asks, who finds it quiet odd. Peach does her evil smile and right away Daisy knows something's up. She sighs, as she has no choice but to follow. They make it to the gym and Peach says " Don't go in the locker rooms, i have a plan. " With that, she waves the wand. You could hear screams in the locker room, but Peach walks to the actual gym. Daisy worries about Violet and her friends, but Peach says " Daisy, come on! " She then runs after her. Peach waves the wand again and walks up the teacher. " Me and Daisy aren't feeling well.... " Peach says while fake coughing. She elbows Daisy, who goes along with it as well. Mr.Dk says " You two can go ahead and sit on the bleachers! In fact, you gals can skip the whole week of gym! " Peach smiles as Daisy feels crushed, she loves gym class! Peach walks to the bleachers, being followed by the miserable Daisy. Peach tells Mr. Dk, how she heard everyone was looking forward to dodge ball.( Of course she lied. ) Mr. Dk takes into consideration what she says, and responds with " Dodge ball sounds like a great idea! " He leaves the gym, goes to the supply room and comes back with dodge balls. Daisy is in shock and whispers, " Aren't we doing the swimming unit? " Peach chuckles. " Not anymore! " The girls come out of the locker room smelling like spring threw up on them. Daisy's eyes widen as she smells the aroma from the top of the bleachers. The teacher announces the change of plans, as some cheer, and others groan. They pick teams and Peach controls the ball with the wand. She makes sure Violet and the rest on her side get hit by it, hard! In the end, it's impossible to tell who won. Everyone is suffering so much, they are all look forward to lunch!

In the locker room...

" Hey Liz, didn't gym seem a bit off? " I ask, as i finish getting dressed. All that is left is my signature purple hat. I look at where Liz was, and i don't see her. " Liz? " I ask, as i hear snoring. I walk closer to where Liz was and the snoring gets louder. I then realize the snoring is coming from a locker! I slowly open the locker to see Liz fast asleep. " Liz wake up! " I say poking her. She slowly opens her eyes and says " I wasn't sleeping! " I chuckle, " No luck on finding your wand? " I ask as she shakes her head no. I ask again, " Didn't gym seem off? It's like the balls had a mind of there own! " Liz looks at me and then says " Mind of there own? Could it be possible someone in gym class has my wand?! " I shrug and then i remember Peach and Daisy. " Peach or Daisy weren't in gym.... " I whisper and Liz's eyes widen. " I hope she doesn't have it... " She says as i nod. If Peach has her wand, i can only expect things to go worse today! I have got to find out the mystery of the ball during practice, and now Liz's wand...I should go talk to Psychic!

Lunch time...

" Are you okay? You look nervous, and you have a whole cake for lunch. Are you stress eating? " Kiara asks to the nervous looking Kenzie. She shakes her head no and says " I want to ask Yoshi to the dance, but i am so nervous! " Kate smirks and whispers something to Zoey. She nods and uses her sister, Rosalina's wand. A bag of green frosting appears and Kate thanks Zoey. She nods and Kate puts frosting on Kenzie's cake. " Kate what are you doing to my cake?! " Kenzie asks worried. She smiles and says " Now you don't have to ask Yoshi, You can just show him the cake! " The three friends look at the cake to read in green frosting, " Will you go to the dance with me? " The girls group hug and Kenzie nervously goes up to the popular table. There she nervously says " Y-yoshi? " He turns around and is stunned to see Kenzie. He then looks at the cake and back to Kenzie. " I'd love to go with you! " He says and Kenzie smiles. They both walk together back to Kenzie table and Yoshi eats the whole cake.

Back at the popular's table

" UGH! We just lost another to stupid Violet, and her ugly side! I wish i could just...THAT'S IT! " Peach says as an idea comes to her mind. She takes out the wand and does her signature evil smile. Daisy looks at Violet, remembering how she said she would try to help them. " I don't think you should use the wand here..." Daisy mumbles, as Peach hears. " And why ever not Daisy? " She says, worrying Daisy might leave as well. " might see! Then... they will all go after you for the wand! should save it till later! when there aren't so many losers to team up? " Daisy says nervously hoping Peach buys it. Peach nods " You're right! But don't you see her next class? " Daisy slowly nods, not understanding what Peach is going for. " Then we can just get rid of Violet next class! That way i don't have to see her in art class.You take the wand and freeze Violet! It's the perfect plan! " Peach says with an evil smile...

I hear the whole conversation, as i look around where to sit. I try to look for Liz, but i some how end up close to this table. They have her wand though, i have to get it for her! I figure the only way to do that is to become friends with them. She seams mean by the way she wants to freeze someone named Violet, but no matter. When i get that wand, my magic will be unstoppable! I fix my posture and walk closer to the table, " Hello, my name is Cookie. "

While lunch is still going on...

" Are you sure this is her locker? " Luis asks, as he becomes more and more of a nervous wreck. " Dude i am positive, just put the note already! The bell is about to ri- " Matthew didn't get to finish his sentence, due to the ringing of the school bell. Luis quickly slips the note in the locker and flies inside the empty classroom that's next to the locker. He watches as students exit the cafeteria, and being to fill the hallways.Then from a mile away, he is able to spot his one true love. Hearts form in his eyes, as he watches her walk down the hall. He looks down at himself and brushes any dirt or dust that could be found on him. The girl in the dazzling royal blue dress opens her locker to find the note. Luis happily fist pumps that he got the right locker! She picks up the note suspiciously and reads it. Luis comes out of hiding and hugs her from behind. He then asks, " so what's the answer? " She smiles and looks at him. They embrace with a sweet tender kiss, as there hearts become one." Of course I'll go with you! " she says as they pull apart to breath. The crowd around them claps, as they both turn a shade of red. They hold hands and walk down the hall together, as the couple they are...

I walk down the hall nervously, holding the bouquet of roses. I then see her, the most beautiful girl I've ever met.The worst part is, she's kissing the wrong guy! I stare at them kissing, as the students around clap. I guess he asked her before i could. I turn around and i see Katlyn. She smiles at me and i decide to ask her. I plan to take the attention away from that women stealing jerk! I clear my throat and say " may i have your attention? " The hall soon becomes very silent, as if everyone was in class. I realize what i did and begin to sweat. I see them, still kissing, which gives me a bit of confidence. I get on one knee and say " Katlyn, will you go to the dance with me? " She smiles and hugs me. " Of course I'll go with you Luigi! " The crowd cheers and Katlyn is very happy. She kisses me and i kiss back. We then hug again, but all i see is my sweet Alissa walking down the hall, holding hands with a man who isn't me...

That's all for now! ;) If I've forgotten to use your Oc plz tell me! I am trying to remember and I'll try to update this more. Although much comes up and laziness too hahaha! Anyways see ya on the next chappie! Also thanks for all the support, love ya ppl! ^.^
~ Princess Liz

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