Chapter 2: Oh BrotherS

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Chapter 2: The Mario Brothers.

Liz's POV

" Liz, are you sure we are going in the right direction? The bell rang a while ago... " Violet mumbles to me.

She looks a bit worried. To be honest, I have no idea where the chemistry room is located.

So yes, we are lost.

I was about to say something, till we hear screaming, and the sound of a locker or two being slammed shut.

Violet runs in the direction the distress came from. I choose to follow her not wanting to be alone. That and curiosity always wins, does it not?

As soon as we make the corner, we can see two guys.One wearing a red shirt with a matching hat, that has an M on it. The other guy is wearing the same but it's green, and his hat has an L instead. They are almost dressed like Violet! They did a fist pump and where laughing. That is, till they noticed us. They both run away, and Violet runs after them. Unsure of what to do, I decide to follow. That is until....

" Is anyone there? Please help me!! "

This sound is followed with a pounding on a locker. I stop in my tracks, plus Violet was long gone now. Unsure of which way they went. I fly back to the wall of lockers.  I notice which one seems to be shaking and I take out my wand. Since I don't know the combination. I tap the locker once with my wand, and it swings open with my magic.

A girl, in a blue dress, with blonde hair falls out. I am taken back, not sure what I was expecting. " Are you okay?" Is the first of many questions I want to ask. I also help her up of course.

She dusts herself off, and nods" Yeah I'm fine, thanks for getting me out...."

she looks around with a concerned expression on her face. " Wait where is Luma and Starlow?"

I tilt my head confused, " who...? " I thought it was just me and her in the empty hallway. I look around and notice Violet coming back! The expression on her face is hard to read though. She looks a bit mad, and sad, all mixed up with confusion? I can't quite read it well. She does however surprise me when she punches a locker! Totally not expecting that, is she alright? Maybe upset she didn't catch the two guys? I know it's only my first day, but what in the world is going on?

The punch was a very powerful one, it made the locker open! Out came a floating Luma. I am getting dejavú...

" Hi I am Luma, thank you so much for getting me out!"She says.

"I guess I punched that locker super hard..." Violet mumbles, suddenly aware of her surroundings. It's as if her emotions had clouded her judgement. She reacted without thinking.

"It's okay at least we found Luma! Now where's Starlow? " Asks the girl in blue, who I still don't know her name.

" I am still in here!" says a voice, coming from another locker.

" Don't worry, we will get you out!" says Violet, as she punches the locker once more. Seeing as how last time, that is how she made it open without a combination. The locker does indeed swing open. This time out came a floating star. "Oh thank you so much! I am Starlow, how can I ever return the favor?" she asks.

Violet walks forward, and says " By any chance did two guys dressed in red and green do this to you? And would you know why?" She seems a bit worried, as she asks such questions. I don't really understand why. Maybe she knows them? but after that punch though, I wouldn't want to mess with her. If anything I am starting to think we could become really close friends. I like her.

" Yup they all locked us in these lockers. I am guessing you must be new, so you don't know about Peach. " The girl in blue explained.

Me and Violet look at each other, then back at the group. We shake our heads no, we do not know who Peach is.

" Well Peach rules the school, and the two guys who did this are mean like her. They're all just bullies!" Explains Starlow.

I look at Violet, who is staring at the floor now. She mumbles something, I only catch, " That's not the brothers I know at home."

So I was right! They are related! They're siblings!

I feel bad for Violet though, she just found out her brothers are bullies in school. Seems to me she had no idea! That's definitely some troubling news.

" We should probably head to class now, we are already late as we speak.." Luma says.

We all agreed till Violet asks,
"Can you guys help us find the chemistry room? I am pretty sure we're lost." She says while looking at me in the corner of her eyes. Heh, oops. She's not wrong, but I don't dare say anything.

" Sure no problem! Luma, Starlow, you guys go on ahead. I  don't want you guys to get in any more trouble." They nod, and float away.

" Can I see your schedules? um, I never got your names actually. I am Rosalina, but you can call me Rosie" says the girl in blue.

I smile,  " I am Liz, and this is Violet." I hand her my schedule.

" well it's right around the corner, and we have gym together! Come on, I'll take you guys. " She starts walking, me and Violet following right behind her.


I hoped you liked it. Special thanks to mittsyfluff for all the help! Anyways comment, vote, and follow!

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