New Teacher

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Khun usually has lunch in the school's small hidden garden, it's quiet and peaceful because not many come by. It's like a secret hideout.

People wonder where Khun has run off to during lunch breaks but no one dares question him. Although Khun is popular, he is cold and distant but this makes him cooler than he already is.

However, today is not his lucky day. Khun approaches the usual hideout with a lunch box in his hand. To his surprise, his eyes meet a familiar pair of stares.

What is he doing here?

Khun turns his back away. Just then, a voice speaks up. "Where are you going? Come here." Khun stops in his track, back facing the voice not turning around. "Back to class." He hears a soft chuckle behind him, this sends a chill spine down his backbone. "You're going to have lunch here, right? Don't let me spoil your mood. Come sit next to me, Khun."

Tempting. Khun doesn't think it's a safe idea to be close to this person but-

'He has a point. I'm not letting him spoil my moment. Who does he think he is? Fine.'

He turns around, eyes finally meet the other. Honey stares. Brown locks. It's Mr. Hockney's substitute. A glare forms on his pale face, eyebrows peak. Khun strolls forth to his usual seat next to the teacher.

"Why are you even here?" His words sharp as if to shoo the man away.

The man laughs, amused by Khun's cold attitude even for his teacher. "I'm grading Hockney's student papers. He's busy so I'm lending him a hand." He said with a smirk.

Khun looks down at a pile of papers Mr. Bam is holding. Whatever, none of my business. He goes back to doing his former goals. Lunch.

Luckily for them, barely any students pass by here so this is a secret. A fortunate? Should he be happy or pissed?

He digs down on his delicious heavy meal. He glances at the marking teacher from time to time. 'Is he not eating?' Wait. Why do I care?

It sure is not Khun's day, alright because Mr. Bam notices Khun's short nonstop glances.

"Do you have something in mind, Khun?" His voice startles the bluenette. His sapphire blue orbs peek to his side. 'What?' He questions in his mind. "You look like you want to ask me." something."

Shoot. 'Am I that obvious?' Mr. Bam chuckles slightly, content. "Not quite but your face is giving out more than you think." His pink lips move. "You might not realize it, Khun but you're an honest person and I think it's really cute."

Cute? That's a first. 'And how is he reading my mind?''

Khun has come to a conclusion. Alright, this guy has a problem.

His eyes still on the brunette. Golden eyes down on the marking papers now look back up, returning the stares he got. Hmm? His face asking. 'Ah- I didn't give him an answer.' Khun now realizing he has been staring.

"You-" he glances at the paper below. "You're not eating?" He speaks up.

"Ah" the brunette scoffs a reply. "I don't think I have enough time, I still have these to finish." He finishes with a gentle smile, sweeter than the one he shows in class.

Khun hums. He mouths a teasing grin. "I didn't think you're that type of person." Mr. Bam's face lits up an odd reaction. "What do you mean?" Khun signals the paper. "Torturing yourself."

The brunette in surprise did not expect to hear indecent stuff from his student. His face flushed a tint shade of pink. Flustered not knowing what to say after. The bluenette clearly having fun.

'Oh, so he's shy too huh. Not all brave now are we?'

Khun raises an eyebrow, his pink soft lips simper even more. A teasing one. "So are you going to have lunch now, Prof. Bam?"

Failing... can't win against his student, Bam gives in. "Alright..." he gets up about to head to the school's cafeteria.

At the same time, Khun checks his watch wrist. He grabs the end piece of Bam's coat. Amber orbs leer behind, questioned. "What's wrong, Khun?" He asks.

The bluenette not saying a word, he gestures Bam to sit back down. Bam can not argue with him, he does as follow. Khun then opens his mouth. "Class is nearly starting, just eat mine."

He pushes his plate, places it on Bam's lap. "You don't have to worry. It's not poisoned." Bam raises an eyebrow. "Poison? Why would I think that? Although thank you for the meal, Khun!" His voice higher in excitement. 'He's getting cheerful just from that? Like a kid...'

He watches the brunette bites down on his food attentively. He halts halfway, chewing the food bits by bits. "Uhh... Khun."

"Hmm?" A hum in reply. "Can you... stop staring? I can't eat properly haha." His voice is shaky and nervous. Oh. "S-Sorry, I did it without thinking!" The bluenette flinches back away.

Bam smiles back an 'it's okay.'

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