Second Chance

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"Where- Where am I? Where are the others? Where's Khun?" Bam opens his eyes to an unfamiliar place, one he has never seen or step foot into. He looks around the room- empty. Just a small single bed to his side with its set of white bedside table next to it- nothing else. The wall lacks- well no design, just plain simple white paint all over. At least the room has a bulb hammered to the ceiling- it's not dark for sure. That's reassuring.

His golden orbs spatter across the entire area- Just where in the tower is he?

Last he remembered was back when he and Khun had a talk with the workshop-

'Is this the test the workshop talks about?'

Right around the battle the war against the Jahad's army to save his master- Jinsung, Bam swears to kill Kallavan who could be his master sworn enemy the next time he sees him. But for now just before they set to go to the second wall within the nest, they came upon a problem.

Just then, they received a request from the workshop- they asked Bam and his team for a favor and obviously Khun straight out rejected them right there in an instant. Bam too disagrees not after what and when they had put his friends in so much trouble and could even threaten their lives. Bam is not obliged to help someone who hurt his friends, not even his once used to be his star, his very own light. Bam will never forgive people like these but this time-

-this time he had no choice to go against them because he can help- he can be of some use to his best friend- Khun. Khun has done so much and not even words can express just how grateful Bam is to have Khun around, he's always there for him. If anything, he wants to do the same, he wants to be of some use- to help Khun.

But there's a catch that they can't say no to which means they have to help them no matter what they say- they can't turn down this favor and who knows something interesting might happen?

The workshop informs them about secretive information about Khun's past- Maria. They hold some secrets claiming her next move could somehow pass cross with the team and they will come as one or go against each other.

Even though they brought Maria up- the girl he had helped to become Jahad's princess back when he was still in the Khun family- Khun stills turn down the offer as if he no longer wants to have anything to do with them. Khun is now helping Bam climb to the top of the tower and he is doing everything possible, he'll lie and use as many evil mischievous tricks there is just to keep his words- his promise. Khun doesn't want Bam to go through all the pain he has gone through. Just him alone is enough- he's going to protect those golden amber orbs. But-

Bam doesn't think like that. He believes this might get him to learn more about Khun after all his best friend barely talks much about himself all he knows pretty much is that Khun got expelled from his family and that he hates his father, Khun Eduhn. Ah- Also how he helped Maria to the top. Besides, she might hold some clue for their next battle.

Bam doesn't think Khun regrets much of his past actions so he assumes maybe- just perhaps Maria is special to Khun. Or used to be? Just like how Rachel is to him. If Rachel were to do anything reckless and hurt his friend... to hurt Khun or lay even a finger on him- Bam will really have to kill Rachel- his old star.

Perhaps he's now addicted to the bright wide spacious blue sky above them instead rather than those small yellow dots that appear clearly only at night- when the sunsets. The sky makes him feel bigger and warm, how the sun shines and those fluffy white clouds float amuse him- it's better than back from when he was all alone in that small narrow space. He felt small back then compared to now.

Bam and Khun respond at the same speed- they're a match. "No thanks." "Yes, sure!"


Their gaze falls on the other boy standing beside them- staring. Khun is the first to ask. "What did you just say, Bam?" His cobalt hues question, hoping it was just a misheard- that Bam is really- he did not just agree to help them. Is he still the Bam Khun knows? Usually, Bam wouldn't help them- not when they put us in through a rough headache. Bam treasures his friends a whole lot- but Khun also knows this guy is willing to help people in need.

Oh no- Don't tell me...

That is the reason what Khun believes to be but Bam does not have any plan to admit that it's all for his own selfish thoughts- that he wants to know more about the bluenette, that he wants to help his best friend in any way possible. They're both willing to go through huge lengths just for one another- even if it means they have to destroy this damn tower with its selfish ideas of gods.

"Let's do it, Khun! It might give us some clue later on." His golden hues lit up all smiles. Damn, not this. Khun is weak to the brunette when he's like this. Hwaryun did say he can't be objective when Bam is involved- well, she's not wrong. A guide sure knows a lot. *sigh* It's not like he can go against Bam anyways so in the end Khun gives in and they agreed to go through the favor.

Luckily for them, the workshop has some connections and made a few contacts with the floor administer and some agreed to help Bam help fight save his master, this favor can gain him some accomplices. Everybody in Bam's team is to take the test to prove that they're worthy and good enough to be qualified for them to get special help from powerful high rankers too- so you can say this is like a special test for them, a bit different from others but they're guaranteed to be able to go up.

That is- if they manage to pass and help the workshop with their small request.

The workshop fills the two boys with information about the next floor. Apparently, they're taking on another test- a theory. They want to find out more about the outside of the tower but the irregulars are a bit too hard for them to have access to. So, they had no choice but to have some regulars do it instead.

They successfully build a stimulation where they believe the outside world would look like. The boys enter a big wide room, two beds for them to lay on with its headset gear and its tubes connecting analyzing how we react. They agreed not to invade the two's privacy and that they won't check in on their hallucinated dreams of imagination- anything is quite possible in there.

They just want the two of them to have a look- similar to time traveling just that this world is created solely base on Urek's and some other irregulars and regulars believed the outside world to be. Urek's probably joking- it's not like he'll just likely tell them about the truth of the outside tower and its unlaying dangers invoking anytime now. Regulars do believe it's either the outside or the top of the tower is paradise.

A finally fulfilled desired wish come true.

But little did they know- the workshop had something else in mind.

They follow and laid on the assigned bed with the gears attached to them. Their eyes shut close and-

The next thing he knows- he's here.

'What do you desire?' The last words Bam sees, the one that appears on his glasses.

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