A Little Game Of Pocky

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'Maybe Bam... does feel the same way...' seeing the brunette's flushed reaction stir something up inside Khun. He smirks a mischievous grin, one that is usually seen on the battlefield fighting the enemies. One that lures its prey and captures them with nowhere to escape. A never-ending trap.

"Bam, this is the second time you've made it fall down. Do you still want to keep going?"

Golden hues glance up to the voice's direction. 'Ugh... I do want to win against Khun but I'm too nervous!' His gaze back down on the ground then returns to the bluenette's sapphire.

"Y-Yeah! I'll make sure to win this time!"

The bluenette can't help but laughs. 'He's making this into a competition.'

This time, Khun is the one to place the last flavor- double chocolate ganache- pocky in his mouth and the brunette bites on the other half. For the first two, Bam was the one waiting for Khun to bites the other. Somehow, this is strange... Khun leading.

Khun bites on the first bites, then Bam, then Khun after Bam and on. An estimate of just three more possible small bites and their lips will touch but of course, they can bite it off and their lips not touching but-

-they're hiding a lust.

If no one backs away, it's going to be their first kiss. They're going to have- to share their first kiss together.

The thought of his lips touching Khun's other soft warm lips tingles his stomach giving butterflies, his heart thumping.

When Khun was taking his test, he didn't even have a chance to kiss the other Bam so this time might really be their first!

Is Bam really okay with that?

His cobalt hues glance at the brunette asking. It seems like Bam is really committed to winning this time. Khun bites one leaving two more bites left.

Two left.

Bam squints his eyes the closer they get. 'He looks uncomfortable...' Khun mistakes the intention of the brunette's doing as he pulls back from the game, he bites the other remaining half and moves away.

-this time, it's Bam's win.


Bam grabs the back of Khun's head and pulls him back in, he bites in the pocky taking Khun's lips into his. Khun melts softly and warmly deep within their shared sugary chaste and innocent kiss. Their locking of tasted lips sends tingles down the spines as they hold their firm embrace onto another.

It was longer-than formal, Bam not letting go. His hands still holding the back of Khun's head as the bluenette wraps his arms circling the brunette's back and lets out a whimper.

"-mmph! Ba-!" He tries calling out the brunette's name but Bam has other plans.

Although it is his first-ever experience, a sloppy and childish yet intimate long passionate wilding kiss they are glad it's with the other. They wouldn't have done it any other way possible.

Khun's hands holding onto Bam's back now slowly moves down as he loses control and tries to find time in between to catch his breath properly. Bam does the same as his mind slowly comes around.

Realization struck his head. Stares locked.

'I can't believe I just kissed Khun!'
'I can't believe he did that!'

Khun's hand on his lips, he can still feel the tingly-ness and the missing lack of comfort without Bam's lips on and in his.

"S-Sorry about that, Khun!"

"It's okay, Bam. It's probably an accident, your reflex! Don't worry about it!"

How do you accidentally kiss someone?? Cmon, Khun! Think of something else!

"Y-You're wrong! I did it because I wanted to!"


Khun's blue eyes glint in question.

Bam scratches the back of his head nervously eyes fall down plummets the floor and back shyly staring at the other's deep sapphire. His mouth opens.

"I...You're wrong... I did it because I wanted to!"

The bluenette remains silent as in he's telling Bam to keep going. The brunette breathes in and swallows.

"Actually... I failed that earlier test too, it was me... I asked them to do another one. They told me they wanted to test out their new invention- a simulation of dream paradise and to thank us for the operation, they agreed to let me do a second one."

Khun's deep blue locks on him and he swallows. That Bam... was the real one?

"This is my dream... kind of. The first one was yours, Khun and you were having nightmares. I- I want to be with you too, Khun! so please... don't push me away."


His words so genuine, it cracks a piece of Khun's heart. How could he possibly thought Bam would abandon him...? They had gone through a lot of pain and they're now together. That's what matters.

"Khun." his eyes glow in anticipation and hope as he calls out the other's name. The bluenette looks up and hums. "Hmm? What is it, Bam? he questions. His amber hues ogle the bluenette's lips then on the other's deep blue sapphires'.

"Can I kiss you, Khun?"

The bluenette remains silent and soon nods. Bam's gentle hands cup the other's face with his hands, one softly caressing the boy's cheeks the other lovingly plays with his blue locks. "Have I ever told you-" he sucks in, his golden gaze affectionately searching for his other halves as he gives in to temptation and let it take control. "-that you're very beautiful, Khun?" his lips infiltrate the bluenette's as the boy melts intimately. A warm, soft kiss that makes the hairs on his nape perks up and sweaty palms now revolve into passionate, deep long wet kisses. The diversion of nervousness, excitement and dizziness from one shared heat with the softness of their lips invade each's body as they can feel the smell of skin brushing off along skin to skin, fluttering heart and knocked knees under the table. They break the kiss as their forehead bumps and their embarrassed smiles and stares take in the other's breathtaking beauty and remember this moment for eternity. 

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