Pouring Rain

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The rest goes by faster than usual.

"I can't believe it's raining." Shibisu complains. "For real." His classmate adds.

Rain, huh.

Khun peers at the outside window. One more hour left until the break and they can head home. Some students stay back for activities like confessing. 'This is stupid.' His eyes scan along the green field down and stop.

Something caught his notice. 'Is that a couple making out? in the open field? Have they no shame?' A disturbing act. It just gets worse and worse.

Shibisu glances to Khun's side, strides onward to him. "What are you looking at, Khun?" His brown eyes side out the window, he whistles. "Wow. You like that stuff too huh?" Khun quick glares threaten the hell out of his friend's. "I'm joking, I'm joking man!" He shouts backing away. "Still man... They are bold."

Hmm. Their teachers come in and class resumes normally like any other day. Until he had to stay with his substitute teacher again.


It's raining heavier than before.

The problem is that Khun forgets to bring his umbrella. 'Curse those good-for-nothing weather forecasters' he hasn't heard a damn thing about it raining today.

To make the problem even worse than it already is, Shibisu has already gone back home earlier today, he had something to do back at home so the bluenette has no choice but to run in the rain.

'Asking for an umbrella is...'

Many would be more than happy just to talk to Khun or even see him once but they're all afraid to approach the moody bluenette. It's understandable when our Khun sure is scary especially if he gets in a very bad mood you can see black clouds on top of his head even. Khun doesn't want to talk to anybody.

'Screw it, let's just go!' Determined, he puts his backpack above his head sheltering himself. The last thing he wants is to get sick. He runs past the gate, makes a turn, and bumps into someone-

"Woah, are you okay??" His body a bit damped from the rain is holding on to someone for dear life. His cobalt hues gaze above, a pair of amber orbs meet his.

It's Mr. Bam, his creepy substitute teacher that is Khun thinks for now. If it wasn't for Bam, he could have fallen down the ground. Gross.

Khun has no choice but to thank him, it's the only right thing to do. Surely he wouldn't do so if it were to be other people but that's beside the point. Why is it that Bam- he's different from others? Why is it that Khun treats him... way better?

Obviously, the bluenette wouldn't like to be splashed with mud. No one does.

"Thanks, sorry about that." He stumbles on his feet but gets back thanks to Bam's embrace again. Whoops. They rush to the nearest shelter. Now stable on his own, he moves away from Bam's hold. Gosh.

Khun's sapphire blue orbs face the man all smiles. 'Why does he always smile? Does he never get tired from that?'

His eyes rise to the man's moisten brown locks. The brunette's hair is wet, he went out too. His white shirt exposed a tint of his toned chest, droplets of rain from his hair dripping down the open area in the center give him an alluring mature appeal.

The bluenette averts his eyes from the man. "Why are you here? Why do I have to see you again? This is the third time today." He says, his voice is pissed, clearly, the bluenette doesn't want to see his teacher not when he gives off an odd woozy vibe.

The man can't help but laughs. 'Even towards me, his own teacher, he never hides his true temperament. It's actually so cute.'

The bluenette flusters from the man's sudden new laugh he has never heard of, his body flinches shoulders up to his word stutters. "Wha-What is it?" Shit, what was that? He curses the weird sounds he made in his thoughts. Bam all smiles ear to ear, he speaks up.

"Did you like it?" What? The bluenette's face gives out his thoughts once again intrigued, he's questioning what the brunette meant by 'it'. With that, Bam grins wider. "The love letter this morning." Khun responds quickly, shocked. "How did you know? Did Shibisu tell you? That guy-" Khun is already planning his attack in his head, he's going to beat Shibisu the next time they see each other. He's giving him a piece of mind.

The brunette shakes his head saying it's not what Khun thinks. "I saw you." he says with a calm chill raspy tone. "Aha... well, to tell you the truth I'm not an actual teacher. I'm Hockney's friend."

'Yeah, I already know that.' His sapphire blue looks tell the man. It's amazing just how much Bam can understand the bluenette without the boy having to say a word.

Bam continues as he gulps down carefully considering his next words. He bows down slightly, head tilted to the side, and raises his hand to his hair, scratching the back of his head a gentle little rub. His golden honey orbs look up to the bluenette's blue stares with a big considerable amount of affection and endearment. 'He's like a puppy.'

The bluenette's impression of Bam changes.

The brunette picks the bluenette's hand and holds them in his. His hand on his. Khun stares even deeper at those sentimental pair of amber peers, not saying a word or wondering his purpose in doing this he stands still emotionless.

Bam lets out a few words while his hands still holding onto the bluenette's, gripped tightly showing no sign of ever wishing to let these hands that are now in his grasp run away escaping. "Tell me your thoughts on the letter..." his voice anxiously soft yet edgy and tensed up.

'The letter? Does he know something about it? Why is he asking me about the letter?' Khun considers. He scrambles a headful of questions before finally answering the impatient brunette.

"Well- It's different from others. Childish. Is it a prank? Was it you?" His blue eyes fixed on the brunette. "N-No." Bam heaves a sigh. "It's from someone I know. I don't know how it ends up in your locker, Khun but I help that person write it... so you can say it's like my own letter of confession."

Silence befalls between the two as they exchange long stares of glances, not knowing what or how to respond to that.

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