February 14th

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Valentine's Day.

It's that time of the year again. It has been 4years since he met Bam and they had gotten very smitten.

Khun has graduated and started working for half a month now, he's talented and skill so he got used to the job very quickly. He's working alongside Shibisu and a few others. Most of his classmates couldn't make it to where Khun is working because it is extra hard for them to be accepted. Khun has been promoted early and is now handling big jobs.

Bam, on the other hand, is also an amazing hardworking worker under FUG. He's very respected and people look up to him.

The two boys went out a lot whenever they're free. You can always spot them together- it's probably kind of rare to see them separated. Khun is always with Bam and Bam is always with Khun.

They would have it no other way. But-

It has been 4years since. And both of them haven't even made a move to confess yet. This frustrates their friends so much. Even the great Rak who's also in the same company with Khun (They chum together very close over the months although Khun gets annoyed most of it.) is getting pissed.

'How can these two turtles be so stupid?'

They had been flirting nonstop literally everywhere they had gone to, every single time. I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME. All the time. Shibisu tries to get them together and push them to confess their true emotions for each other but they always fail! The frustrations! And now it's Valentine's!


"Yeah. I think I'm free since I have no work that day, Bam." Khun speaks over the phone in his work seat, phone between his ear and neck, his fingers typing.

"These two damn turtles better do something after Valentine or I'll have to do it myself! Hmph!" Rak snorts from behind the kitchen counter having a coffee break with Shibisu. Obviously, they're gossiping over Bam and Khun's relationship. "Agree! These idiots need to open their eyes."

Their eyes fixated on the bluenette on the call until he hangs up.

"I can't wait to see you, Khun!"

A tint of pink shade forms on Khun's cheeks in the corner. Just a tiny bit.

"Yeah, me too Bam. I'll see you then." He smiles ear to ear and hangs up as he gets back to doing his work. He wants to finish everything quickly so he has time to be with Bam without worrying about his pile of workload.

There they go again. Constant nonstop flirting's even at work. Give us a break!

February 14th

-a Day dedicated to love.

-the big day where Bam is ready to confess!

-but this clashes with Khun's plans too!

A Double Confession??!

Bam book them an appointment at the resident. A relaxing hot spring trip. They had been working extra hard to have today off so they deserve a well rest day on a trip together and what better to do so tot spring where he can see-

Khun's body!

Bam's body.

Eager to spend more time even though they have always gone out every weekend. I guess it's just not enough anymore. They need more. Their lusts and desires grow deeper and higher the closer they get.

This is a great opportunity! He can relax his mind and body- except he's planning to confess tomorrow, Valentine's Day. He wants it to be a special day albeit the fact that he might end up getting rejected... but he can't keep it in anymore. He needs to say it all out loud for Khun to realize how he truly feels toward the bluenette and the thought of being something even more than friends-

Hot Spring on a mountain. 4days and 3nights in a single room.

What could go wrong?


NO ONE TOLD BAM THAT THEY'LL BE SHARING ONE BED- KING-SIZED! Apparently, one of his booked rooms is resided by another customer and they were left with this room.

'What do I do...? I'm getting more nervous now...' his golden hues gaze at the bluenette's. "Take care of me, Bam." he said with a flash of smiles. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Khun isn't even phased... of course he won't be after all... 'he doesn't feel the same way as I do...' Bam still denies their every flirting- maybe Khun is just like that.

His father isn't a very nice guy... perhaps Khun is just very nice towards him... but he's not like that with the others besides myself...' all these stupid thoughts rush throughout his whole body. The brunette turns to sigh a disappointed face.

Friends. That's all they'll ever be...

But little does he know- the bluenette too is having an adrenaline rush in his stomach. 'I- I'M SLEEPING WITH BAM!' his head can't process this... 'THIS BIG NEWS OF INFORMATION! THANK YOU FOR WHATEVER HAPPEN! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!'

gay panic Khun.

Tomorrow. It has to be that night. It's Valentines'.

The night plummets at a brisk, nimble rapid speed. By the time, they arrived at their destination... it's already midnight. They leave the unpacking tomorrow early in the morning and drowsy eyelids droop into a sweet dream.

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