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"Bam? Do you want to take a dip now?" 10minutes after they shared a lovely lunch just by the enchanted pond sightseeing nature in its stunning earthy picturesqueness of the planet's land beauty. They were fascinated and astonished by the view and would love to come here again.

Hopefully, the two of them alone again but next time- as a pair of lovers.

"Khun! Sure, let me just get my stuff!" he responds bright and cheerful. Khun primps a darling look at the brunette.

Waterfall cascade its flowy steamy clear crystal drops descend down the open hot spring. The mountain's humidity set out a layer of mist displaying a risqué, provocative scenery and this- this is not good.

Not with Khun exposing his gorgeous pale, smooth fair back... It's glowing. Khun is glowing under the dim sunset in the scene.

Yes, he knows the Khun families are from a lineage of skillful acting but wow- Khun Aguero Agnis is just a different type... he's prettier than the others- in Bam's eyes. (well, almost all of us lol) His charm and appeals- He's extra over the top handsomely good-looking and no words can describe just how demure are his decorous features.

His blue locks slick pulls back into a small bun- an absolutely very very adorable one! and his tiny braid by one side! Khun has such a slender body... Is he eating enough? He looks thin. maybe too thin? The brunette frowns from the idea of that- he doesn't like it if Khun isn't eating enough! He knows he has to work hard with diligence but still! He also has a few light abs.

Khun slowly dips his body hidden inside the water. He can feel the long stares from the brunette, a line curves a teasing smirk on both ends as his cobalt orbs plunge.

The brunette standing in towels, honey ogles infatuated its territory, domain marking the bluenette's. 'He must work out a lot huh.' Khun's eyes stare down Bam's refined muscled tone abs. His ocean blue gawks peer... goggles the amber stares' direction-

"Are you not coming in, Bam?" he smirks realizing how tempted Bam is, Khun knows he gets the brunette hooked. whipped. completely. He's wrapped in his fingers but he also knows how deep he fell for Bam.

'Can't help it with a guy like Bam.'

"A-Ah! Yeah!" Bam wince as he recoils and immerse bathe himself in the saturated hot temperature of the spring.


"Hah, we should do this more often." Khun heaves a hot sigh. Just an arm apart from their shoulders touching.

Bam nods, a nervous shudder sends down his spine. 'Khun is really close...' his mouth won't say a word. He hates that he can't do much in this situation and it's not likely for them to go on a trip once in a while due to how busy their schedules get lately.

"Bam?" His sapphire ocean gaze locks on the brunette's tense body. "...y-yeah!" His voice cracks. 'Wahh... How embarrassing...'

Just how can someone get so confident at one time and now become such a nervous wreck?

Khun snorts a laugh, he finds the brunette pretty cute being like that. "Bam, relax your shoulder." His hands grab the boy's steamed scapula making the brunette shies away. "S-So-!" he jolts a force. The bluenette laughs out loud. "Wh-What was that?" He can't help but laughs at Bam.

Wow. 'Khun should laugh more...'

Thanks to this, their tension loosens and Bam finds himself less nervous. They enjoy a wonderful fun time in the tub.

It's night now. 'Bam says he has to go out... so I guess now's a good chance?' The bluenette thinks to himself. He has the room all to himself because Bam has to go out. Khun calls in the room service and gets to work. Someone suddenly calls him out and for Bam to rush back so quickly...

just who is it?


'Bam's late... Is he coming back or not?' Khun's eyebrows frown, his eyes drowsy closing any minute now. 'He said he wouldn't leave me... I even prepared all of this.' His cobalt eyes ogle the entire area decorated aesthetically pleasing. 'What am I even doing...?' To think that he has to do this one day.

Khun lays down on their table slumped and drunk. He drank 2 bottles of champagne and Bam still hasn't arrived. 'He's late!' Khun starts to think the brunette maybe... is out with that person he was on the phone with. It was a girl. He hurries out just from one click of hers... Hah... how lucky to have Bam... like...

His drowsy eyes having trouble keeping up. Bam was with him just 3hours ago.

3hours ago... They were just having fun. Laughing. He was there.

Now he's gone. 'Did I do something wrong... to make Bam hate me?'

Khun wipes the little tears from falling down, he keeps it in. He shouldn't cry over this. This is nothing.

This is normal. It has always been like this... Khun was abandoned by his family and had to learn how to adjust to the harsh condition of life at a young age with no one to depend on. His mother's words dig deep daggers into the young boy's pure heart "Aguero. Don't trust anybody!" Trust. A stupid word. Is there even any meaning to it? People end up breaking it, everything. Their words. Their promises. Trusts in each other. By the end of the day, they have no one else but themselves.

Khun would never indulge himself... To be seen in such a useless state... how pathetic can you get, Khun?

'You finally find yourself a will, something to live and die for but now he's gone. He's leaving you. Just like how I leave you, my dear Aguero.' Maria's voice. A girl he used to be involved with.

'Hah... you're right but this time. I'll make sure to chase after it, Maria!' Khun grabs his jacket and dashes out in a hurry to find the lost hope of survival. His sun. Khun tries holding back his tears in but the longer Bam is away from him, his mind fills up even more ugly words piercing his heart. 'Just Bam. I don't want to let go of this, not this one!'

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