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Khun rushes his way to the door, constantly knocking it. Should I just break it down? "Hey, this isn't funny! I'm going to break your stupid door if you don't open up!" Another crash. "BAM!"

-Clicks- the door unlocked.

"You finally call me Bam..." revealing a familiar figure- Bam. As he stood there but strangely he has a horrid look of expression on his face.

Is this guy for real?

"Hah? Because that's your name, stupid."

"I guess... but this is the first time you called me by my given name- just Bam. hehe It makes me really happy!" his face lits up full of sunshine's and hopes- a beam ray of rainbows.

"You're fast, Khun." he quickly adds on. Tch. "I happen to be in the neighborhood. It's a coincidence." he clicks his tongue, trying to sound pissed.

(I repeat TRYING so Bam wouldn't found out... Imagine Bam realizes that Khun is actually just down, finding his way to Bam's homestead. No. Khun does not want to imagine that. His pride. The embarrassment. Oh god.)

He went out of his way to ask the school for the brunette's contact info and his address... Khun does not need another shame. Maybe it's too early to say that-

Still, the bluenette is relieved to see Bam not injured. no sign of a bruise or anything anywhere. Thank goodness. Khun reliefs a huge sigh as he calms down, all the shivers and panics flying away leaving his body.

The bluenette suddenly flicks the other's forehead.

'ow! What was that for, Khun?!' He pouts an unfair face. "There, that's the Bam I know." he chuckles genuinely like the world is only revolving and only moving around them- the two of them. nothing else matters at this very point. 'The Bam he knows...'

The brunette's head process slower than the usual pace as his once unwell pale face now grows a paint of pink shade from Khun's not thinking much- blurted out remarks due to his fever.

wait- fever?

Bam forgets he even had a fever just because Khun is here. 'hah... if only Khun can stays here by my side.' His body weak, limps but he tries to keep a stable fixed balance.

"Don't scare me like that again!" his sapphire kind peers gape the brunette with a big amount of flowing care and endearment. His head lowers, guilt flushes throughout his whole heated body. "Sorry, I didn't mean to... I just... I couldn't get up." he answers.

Khun sighs yet again- Bam doesn't want to hear another unhappy sigh from anybody and most of all not Khun. but he knows he's the reason why. His head roam surrounds another eventful of mean unpleasant thoughts-

'Ah! nonono! Khun is here and that's all that matters!'

Khun speaks up. "That's fine. You look pale. Let's get you inside. It's not good to stay out for a long time." Bam nods, he turns around and takes a step inside but no creaks of steps floor detected from behind he leers back to find a still Khun. "I'm waiting."

His usual knowing teasing smirks.

"C-Come on!" he walks over, grabs the bluenette by hands and steps into the house together.

Khun wasn't expecting this- Bam could've just given him a warm welcome of 'Come in' and he would've walked right in simple- or other stuff but this? hell no. The brunette always seems to amuse Khun, the same goes around.

Both always end up surprising the other and even shocking themselves as to how they could end up blurting out honest words of confessions or bold moves.

Bam flushes down a bit- this is not good. He's acting like a high school girl shying from her first love maybe it's because of his fever? yeah. 

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