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"Mr. Bam, don't tell me..." his lips form a big grin on his face, harassing him as if to tease to see his reaction. "-you're already falling for me? Sir." he finishes off with his tongue out licking both his upper lips and bottom lips. His tongue rolls off 'Sir' in the smoothest sugary tone he can make, luring in both predators and preys to his lair setting a trap.

Once fallen shall never be able to go back to where they started. Seduction.

'I'm right about him hiding some secrets after all.' His ears uplift a red blush to the end upper part. 'Still... How can people not get embarrassed saying all this? Ugh...' he unintentionally groans out.

'Huh? Why isn't he saying anything?' Khun glances down, Bam's still bowing down. "Oi, oi... are you sick?" Bam's grip went down.

Using this to his advantage, Khun removes his hand from the grip to place his hand on the brunette's shoulder, pesters and shaking him. "Urgh... not fair, Khun. You're playing unfair. A cruel game." He groans a painful noise. '?'

His brunette head hoist in a hurry, honey orbs beams. "What do I do...? I feel like holding you right now, Khun..." his eyes sparkle with hope. "N-No! What are you saying?"

Bam's face saddens instantly. Oh. He nods down understanding. "Y...Yeah, you're right. My bad." He mumbles under his breath.

ugh. This idiot. Does he not understand what he's saying? Bam is making a rather dejected face and this puts Khun off, guilty.

Khun lifts his hand up, placing it on Bam's shoulder to check on him but just then the brunette flinches. His brown hair ruffles a glossy luxurious shiny color damped under the bad weather. Honey orbs gape right back at the surprised sapphire, his mouth slowly opens words come through. "It wouldn't be right to do this with your teacher, huh?"

'What? I mean, yeah but that's not the point!' The bluenette's eyebrows uplift by the odd response Bam is saying.

It's not odd, just that... Khun wasn't thinking about that. Bam has a point but the thing is... Khun has never had his first kiss ever in his 17years of age and he's not so sure to share it with ...Bam? He heard that people do hugs... and what comes after that is a kiss. He has never once had much physical contact of affection with many so this is a mystery to a student genius Khun. What if they kiss? 'First and foremost, I don't even know this guy much and all of a sudden, he's asking me this?' Right. He has to give an answer.

Khun probably doesn't mind a hug with- Bam... right?

"That's not..." He breathes out, lowers his head down a tilted side, and carries on with his words hiding his flushed red face, embarrassed. "I..."


'Why do I have to tell him this out of all people?' His words are hard to come out, throat clenches. Khun grips his shirt tighter and admits, pink face still hidden.

"I've never kissed someone before..." His voice soft and quiet like a whisper of sweet sounds but loud enough for the brunette to hear. Only Bam.

The brunette is quiet but soon exclaims, "Oh... Th-Then let's go on a date, Khun!" He said out loud. "Shhh! Idiot, what if someone heard you?" Khun shakes his head as one of his free hands is brush against Bam's soft juicy lips, covering.

mmph mmph- he mumbles, still stuck.

Khun lets go of Bam once calm down or quiet down, the brunette can finally breathe properly now.

"Sorry about that..." he apologizes solemnly. His words are genuine and overwhelming. Amber orbs leer onwards, finding their way to Khun's ocean gaze.

He looks up still like a puppy. A lost one, happy to found his master.

"So... about the date? How about it?" His mouth moving, pestered eyes fill with hope and desire for Khun to say one simple word yes. Actions shouting out Heyy, Khun~ come on, come on.

Khun gulps down his word. 'Ugh. I can't say no if you look at me like that.' He heaves a light relief sigh, it's not like he can win against Bam. Fine. "I'll make sure it's the most fun you'll ever have! And you'll be wanting a second too and after that!"

Upon hearing Khun's acceptance to his proposal, the brunette jumps up and down with contentment and thrills arms open for a hug just then-

-he stops himself. Sapphire's blue eyes stare questioning Bam's intention and why he stops? Bam nervously scratches the back of his head. "I... You didn't accept my hug earlier so... I should hold myself back. I don't want to do anything against your will, Khun." His face beams up bright as the shining sunflower under the hot sunlight in the out open garden. Bam... he's thinking of me.

Khun walks closer, just a finger away from their chest touching. He pulls Bam in for a comforting embrace that warms both hearts. "Just this one time." He softly breaths out and the brunette nods a hum, understanding.

After some time, Bam soothes into Khun's warm gentle clasp, he wraps his arms... hands envelop Khun's waist while the other's hands claw circling Bam's neck.

His scent. His soft hair. Body brushing against one another, tightening their grasp. A wholesome and heart-clenching moment.

They hold onto each other for a pretty long time under the closest shelter away from the outside heavy rain. Neither shows any sign of letting go anytime soon.

That is- Khun now comes to a realization of what is happening at the moment that he is hugging Mr. BAM!! his head explodes. 'shit. I wasn't thinking! How am I going to explain to him...? He's going to think I'm a pervert." Khun closes his eyes shut, embarrassed not believing this is reality and that this is probably just a dream. If not, he has to get out this is too embarrassing!

But... 'I don't want to let go... it's comforting. Wait what?' Khun is in his head, panicking everywhere.

Meanwhile, Bam stays still not moving an inch, holding onto the bluenette for a really really long time. Khun notices the stoned brunette, with one eye open the other close he looks out to see. 'He's clearly not moving...' Still hugging, Khun looks upwards to find the brown head just a few distances away, he calls out.

"M-" he bits his lower lips. It would be weird to call him Mr. after all that happens, he did say he's not an actual teacher, so this is fine... right? "Bam...?"

Bam flinches in surprise, he burrows his face deeper in Khun's and holds him tighter. "I... I don't think I can hold on any longer... Khun." His hand lets go of the bluenette, the body falls down to the ground knees slip. Down to his feet slumped, the brunette loses all control of his lower half. "B-Bam!" On his way sliding, Khun catches Bam smoothing his easy fall. Hands hold onto Khun's, his face towards the other's chest. Bam is leaning on Khun. He asks. "...You okay?" The brunette nods.

"So-Sorry, I got too excited." Hearing this, the bluenette flushes a huge blush of red shade all over his pale fair skin.

"Khun?" The boy looks up to find the bluenette but is stop on the way. Khun hurries to cover Bam from seeing his embarrassed expression. 'He can't see! I must be making a weird face right now!' He pulls Bam for another tight embrace. Bam, not questioning, returns the hug.

'He's so cute.'

They exchange emails and start texting on a daily basis just before their 'Date' something comes down and they can't make it. Maybe some other time-

but will there be a next time?

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