First Date

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"Right? It seems like there's an event going on? It's like a holiday, I'm not so sure... People here call it Valentines' Day." Khun fills Bam in with the information he got after he woke up.

They both still remember their task. Apparently, they have to test out what this weird day is all about and how it operates because the chances of this holiday exist in the outside tower is highly possible.

So now, they are on a date.


"Let's just enjoy this, Bam."

Bam looks at how composed and calm Khun is. It's not unusual... Khun always keeps his cool, it's amazing and he admires that respectfully. Bam also thinks it's a cute appeal added to Khun's charms.

He's not so sure about himself though... his heart is pounding louder and faster the second they step forward walking around a weird building... call a 'Shopping Mall.'

There are many different things here... stores- clothes, groceries, flowers of all sorts. Bam appears lowkey way more excited than he is to be. Nah, more like high key.

I mean- it is his first-ever date. And for it to be with Khun as well, he's flying rainbows.

"Stop right there! Come have a look inside! It's an all-out event happening for all lovey dovey couples!" The worker advertises right outside their shop causing the pair to gaze over. "You two lovely couple! Would you like to come inside? We have many rewards as well!" They pull out a hand to stop the two boys in their tracks. They halt to a stop, eyes fall on the others.

"Let's do it, Khun. We have to experience everything." Bam has a point and seeing his golden eyes brighten, Khun nods.


'It's not a bad idea... Bam looks happy too.'


Their first date.

The event is hosted for couples where there's a variety of games designed. The worker shows them to a table where they can pick out what games they want to try out. There are several couples checking surrounds them, all excited for this event. They can feel the tension. The two have to act like a couple... right? Since they are on a date.

"Ohh, Khun! What's this snack, I want to try it!" Bam leans in, Khun's shoulders perk up from the brunette's sudden touch. "Sure." He answers calmly as if all those memories he had from his failed test didn't affect him, he's trying his hardest to push it into the back of his head as if none of it had ever happened. It was just a fake test. Fake memories. Fake emotions... it wasn't with the real Bam. The brunette's golden gaze noticed Khun's different fazed gaze, he whispers. "It's okay, Khun. Whatever it is that is bothering, I'm sure it'll turn out good! We'll pass this test together and get the secretive information to help up later on! For now, I want you to relax and have fun. Please, Khun. I don't want to see you sad." His concerned look and sweet whispers of reassurance but what he doesn't know is that-

-Khun has already failed his test.

But he should at least try to enjoy this with Bam.

He flashes back a gentle smile, nodding. Bam turns his attention back, his finger points to a game on the book. "We'll do this one!"


The seller makes all their preparation and leads them to another room but this time it's empty. They leave the two boys all alone. "Enjoy!" Bam walks to an unseated chair and Khun follows behind, sitting infront of him across the table face to face. On the table, there was a package of 3 boxes of snacks. Pocky. The name on its package, there are 3 different flavors- matcha hojicha tea, scented blueberry and double chocolate ganache!

"Are we supposed to eat these?"

"I think so... Let's have the blue one, Khun! It has the same blue color as your hair and eyes!"


"UHH I didn't mean anything weird by that!"

"I know."

Just how can Bam be so forward, how can he say something so misleading...? This is going to be a tough ride for Khun. He has to endure all of these, he doesn't want his feelings to be exposed and ruin their 11years of friendship as it is too painful to handle. To never talk to Bam again... Khun would feel his life falling apart without Bam with him. He knows his feelings won't be reciprocated anyways...

Bam opens the blue pack and places it near his mouth, about to eat. A letter of instructions showed up- "You have to share it with your partner! Place it in between lips and bite it off until one back down -The rule of the game!"

'Between lips... mine and Khun's?' His golden eyes gaze up searching for the other's pair of sapphires.

"I don't mind."


The two leans in and one pocky is between their parted lips. Khun takes the first bite, then Bam... they continue until it's left in a small tiny space. Their faces are so close, they might kiss! Khun's deep blue orbs stare at the brunette's in anticipation, wondering if Bam will back down because there's no way Bam would ever... kiss him. And Khun is right. Bam is the first one to let go of the bite. He backs away, this makes the bluenette a bit sad and disappointed but he did expect this already. They are just friends after all.

-But what Khun didn't notice was the pink shade of blush painted on Bam's face.

They continue on-

Their second piece.

Matcha hojicha tea, Khun's favorite. Bam always find Khun fidgeting around these flavors.

Bam wanted to test if Khun really does like it so he asked his master and the next day Jinsung sent him a box of matcha and Hojicha flavored munchable snacks.

Khun would munch on it like a rabbit and Bam is always there to observe his adorable eating habits but of course, he wouldn't dare tell Khun that. Not yet, that is. He knows Khun is going to stop if he tells him, for now he'll just keep it to himself. It's like a secret about Khun, one that only Bam knows. He feels special.

Khun treats Bam differently from the others and Bam too knew that- his bestfriend deeply cares for him.


Bam slides in a bit closer, their lips a tiny space apart. Bam's golden hues fixed on the pocky while Khun's gaze stares deeply at the brunette's expression. Their heartbeats flutter a sound louder and harder, the nerves rushing, butterflies feeling in their tummies... oh they can feel it. The connection between them- it's real. it?

Khun is still petrified from whatever happened but he knows for real that this- this has to be real. It has to. He crunches his nose, eyes squint. Bam notices the reaction from the bluenette, he reaches his hand to place it on the other's lap. 'I'm here, Khun.' As if he was saying that to warm him. He beams a smile brighter than any.

Yeah... This calms the bluenette a bit better, he then bites further down a huge bite of the remaining pocky. Bam flinches in shock as he shies away immediately, nervous. Red cheeks as if he had something spicy. The pocky fell down.

Bam loses again.

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