Chapter 6

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----------Sam's POV----------

Sam gets jolted out of sleep. Dean had turned the radio up all the way, blasting Heat of the Moment by Asia in Sam's ear.

It was the heat of the moment

"Rise and shine, Sammy!" Dean shouted over the music

Tellin' me what my heart meant

"Dude," Sam starts "Asia?"

The heat of the moment

"C'mon you love this song and you know it." Dean answers

Showed in your eyes

"Yeah. And if I ever hear it again I'm gonna kill myself."

It was the heat of the moment

"WHAT? SORRY I CANT HEAR YOU?" Dean shouts, turning up the music
3rd person

Sam and Dean have a quick breakfast of toast, then dash outside and hop into Dean's 1967 Chevy Impala. Dean loved that thing more than life itself.

Sam hops into the passenger seat, and Dean slides into the drivers seat. It's only about 30 seconds before Gabriel Novak, Sam's best friend and Cas's little brother, hops into the back.

"Are you boys ready for your first year of highschool?" Dean asked with a smirk

"Only if you're ready for your last." Sam replied.

Dean pulled out of the driveway and drove to the school. The ride was silent, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence.

Dean's POV

When they pulled up to the school, Sam and Gabe hopped out.

"See you at lunch, Dean!" Sam called

"See ya then!" Dean answered.

As Dean walked into the building, he spotted Cas out of the corner of his eye.

Damn. Cas looks so hot with all his piercings and tattoos. No! Dean Winchester does not think about boys in... that way. Especially Cas.

He continued to his own locker, but still had Cas on his mind. He thought back to that day. He thought about how bad he must have hurt Cas.


"I'm gay." Is what Dean had heard.

"Maybe I heard him wrong? Maybe... Maybe it's a joke." Dean thought. But deep down, he knew it was true. He didn't know how to react. He got up, and... Left. Dean knew that was the wrong way to react. He should've stayed. He should've told him it was okay. But instead, he got up and left his best and only friend, right after he had told him his biggest secret.

When he didn't answer the walkie talkie, he told himself he would answer the next time Cas tried to talk to him.

Castiel Novak never tried to talk to him again

*end flashback*

Dean made a promise to himself that day, that he wouldn't tell anyone, not even Sammy. He didn't. Still, 3 years later, he hadn't told a living soul that his best friend- er, ex-best friend, was gay.

Castiel's POV

Coming into school the first day, Cas spots Dean, walking towards his locker. He thinks about him all the time. Cas tries not to, knowing it will just end in more scars, but he can't help it.


It was a few days after Cas had told Dean he was gay. His family had started to ask why they had stopped hanging out. Castiel knew that his family would support him, but it was still a little nerve-wracking.

They were religious, not the bible-thumping, say grace at every meal kind of religious, but the kind that went to church almost every Sunday. Because of this, Castiel wasn't 100% sure that they'd be okay with it. It was probably closer to 95%, but that 5% really got to him.

He called a family meeting. All of his 8 other family members stumbled in, one by one. His mother, Anna, a nice woman with red hair, and his father, Jimmy, who, with jet black hair and stunning blue eyes, looked exactly like Castiel, were the first ones in the family room. Next came Zamandriel, followed by Balthazar and Crowley. Then it was Michael, Lucifer, and, last but not least, Gabriel.

He had them all sit down on the various couches and chairs in the room, and... just told them.

"I'm gay." He said. Then, without enough of a pause for anyone to start speaking, he added "I told Dean a few days ago, and he hasn't talked to me since."

His whole family gave him a group hug.

"Help!" He screeched, a little over-dramatic "I'm being suffocated with loooove!!!"

His family let him go.

"Castiel, we've know for a long time. It's okay." His mother said.

"Damn." Crowley said quietly.

"What?" Castiel asked, voicing the question everyone was wondering.

"I owe Balth 10 bucks." Crowley said

"You were betting on when I'd come out?!?"

*end flashback*

*random-ass time hop to lunch*

"Hola Mishamigos!" Meg exclaimed, sauntering over to the table.

"Man," Cas started "you're obsessed with this Misha guy.

"Yup. And I love every second of it." Meg said before planting a kiss on Castiel's cheek. They had been dating a few weeks, and Castiel knew it was only a short amount of time before their relationship crashed and burnt.

That was long. Sowy for the feels.

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