Chapter 20

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The picture doesn't have anything to do with how my fic will go down, but I hoped it will make up with my not updating and all

----------Castiel's POV----------

On Monday morning Castiel woke up extra early, before anyone else was awake, and got dressed quickly. He had taken a quick shower the night before so he didn't have to worry about it in the morning. He threw on the clothes he put out last night, and was out the door in five minutes. He had scribbled a quick note which he left on the kitchen island, so his family wouldn't freak about him being gone.

He hopped into their family's SUV and drove off. He pulled into McDonalds a few minutes later and got himself a quick breakfast. Castiel sat in the car, happy with how his plan had worked out. He had avoided Dean this morning, now he just had to do it for the rest of the day.

The only exception would be lunch time, but Charlie had said that she would sit between Castiel and Dean, so they weren't next to each other, but they couldn't make eye contact either.

Castiel checked his phone. It was 6:45 and he had several texts from his family members. He texted his mom, telling her that he was alright, noting that "Hey I left early, see you later" probably want the best word choice for his note, and then pulled out of McDonalds. The school opens at 7, so he figured that he'd just get there right on time, grab his stuff, and sit in homeroom, which he didn't share with Dean.

Castiel arrived at the school, and texted Charlie to "Hurry her ass up" so he wasn't the only one there. He ran inside, dashed to his locker, and pulled out all his stuff. He went into Mrs. Naomi's homeroom and plunked down into his usual seat in the back.

Now, he finally had time to think without any distractions.

Fuck. He thought. I fucked up so bad. Jesus, how does one fuck up to such an extent? Oh god. We were just starting to be friends again, and there I go. Fucking it up. Well, I mean it could be saved... right? I guess... Oh wait, haha no. You kissed your straight best friend dumbbell. Your straight best friend who hAS A GIRLFRIEND. Although, maybe he'll break up with her? I mean, she did say something unforgivable... If he has any brains at all that's what he'll do. Ugh, but that still doesn't fix how fucking bad I fucked up!

Charlie walked in just then, pulling Castiel out of his thoughts.

"Heya Cassie! How was your early morning?"

"I am so tired. Why did I ever think it was a good idea to wake up so early?"

"So you could avoid your trivial problems instead of solving them like any sane person would."

"No... No that's not it..." Charlie smacked his upper arm while Castiel attempted to guard himself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

As lunchtime neared, Castiel was happy with how his plan was working. The only class that had Dean in it so far was Science, but they had assigned seats in that, so Dean couldn't talk to him. Castiel sat closer to the door, so he dashed out of the room as soon as the bell rang, ignoring Dean calling his name across the room.

Now that it was lunch time, Castiel made sure to get to the lunchroom at the same time as Charlie, so he could minimize the chance of Dean trying to talk to him.

The pair opened the lunchroom doors, and were slapped with the familiar greasy stench of the cafeteria food and loud chatter of kids. They walked to their, now regular, table. Charlie plopped next to Dean, and Castiel next to her.

Castiel was quiet the first few minutes while Dean, Charlie, and the rest of the kids chatted. A few minutes later, Lisa sauntered up and sat in the seat on the other side of Dean.

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