Chapter 18

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Damn aren't I just great at updating? Just... the greatest

----------Castiel's POV----------
(First Person)

I raced down to the water after Dean. I was happy that he convinced me to come. Really, I was. But if anyone asks about the scars I honestly don't know what I'd do. Crawl into a ball and die? Swim out deeper and deeper and never stop? Sucker punch them in the throat? Who knows?!?

(I was just re-editing and I realized that I switched back to 3rd person here, so I'm not gonna re-write it)

Castiel realized he was in the water and everyone was splashing all around him. He joined in the splashing, and he even pushed Charlie over, who, in turn, shrieked and swept his legs out from under him.

After a few minutes of that, Castiel yelled suddenly, and quite loudly,


"HEY!" Everyone turned to see Lisa, standing just at the edge of the water.

"Hey! Are you coming in?" Dean sounded pretty happy about that thought, but no one else wanted her to.

"No. I just want to tell Charlie that she can't be on Dean's shoulders."

"Bitch, I'm gayer than 1998 Ellen Degeneres." (That was the year she came out) Charlie retorted.

Lisa scoffed and marched away, sitting back down on her towel and playing her music.

"Well I was planning on getting on Castiel's shoulders anyways." She mumbled

Castiel bent down and Charlie scrambled onto his shoulders, and Dean bent down and Jo hoped onto his shoulders.

"Prepare for the uLTIMATE SMACKDOWN!"


Dean charged at Castiel, as Castiel did the same. Jo and Charlie held their arms out in front of themselves, to both protect themselves and fight each other off.

Charlie and Jo were pushing each other, as were the boys, causing Dean and Jo to almost fall. Charlie leaned forward too far as she was reaching for Jo, and it looked like that pairing was almost done for, but Charlie pushed off of Jo, and they righted themselves.

It was the heat of the moment (AHAHA I love myself), Jo and Charlie had locked arms, Dean and Castiel had locked arms.

Suddenly, Dean leaned forward, and uttered a single word in Castiel's ear.


Castiel let his guard down, and actually started laughing, so Dean pushed him back, and he fell, Charlie along with him.

By the time the pair resurfaced, Dean and Jo were parading around, Jo was fist pumping while they both chanted

"Better than you! Better than you! Better than you!"

This continued for a few seconds, until Castiel and Charlie shared a knowing look, and, when the victorious pair turned around, both of the other teens got up, lunged at Dean, and pushed him over.

After a few more minutes of pushing and splashing, the soaked teens walked back to their chairs.

"Ugh finally. You guys were in there for ages!"

"You could have come with us babe."

"I know. I was trying to get a tan."

"Well you look beautiful." The couple kissed, and the other three teens pretended to vomit. Although Castiel may or may not have been gagging for real...

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