Chapter 12

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----------Dean's POV----------

The two boys arrived at the park a few minutes later. They ran the whole way, so Castiel still had Dean in tow. They were still holding hands as the shorter boy led the other to the swings.

When they finally got there, and Cas let go of Dean's hand, Dean was glad it was so late. The darkness of the night concealed his fire truck colored face.

They say in a comfortable silence before Dean spoke up.

"So, uh, what should we do?"

Cas seemed to consider this for a few seconds before answering "Well, we could play 20 questions? I know that we already know each other, but we haven't really talked in so long so..." (Guys I realize this is every teen AU fic ever okay bear with me it will get better they just need to do this okay so shush my little muffins it won't be long now until it gets different from other fics)

"Um, sure." Dean knew that this would be his chance to ask Castiel about the scars, so he had to take it. "You first." He continued

(Bold is Dean, normal is Cas)

"Okay. So... Um, let's start with something easy. What are your favorite tv shows, movies, and books?"

"Well, as I'm sure you saw in my room, I like Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Merlin. My favorite movies are Star Wars, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, the Hobbit and any horror movie. For books I like Supernatural, and that's really it. I'm not the biggest reader."

"My, my, my, who would've guessed it? Dean Winchester, the cutest boy in the entire school, Dean captain-of-the-football-team Winchester, a giant fucking closet nerd." Castiel realized he had just called Dean cute, but he played it off in a completely, 100% heterosexual, not-at-all gay, way.

"Shut up!" Dean said while playfully punching Castiel in the shoulder "And don't you dare tell anyone in school about this."

"Oh I'm telling everyone."

"Over my dead body!"

After a short, very awkward, pause, Dean continued

"Anyways, what about you?"

"Um... I like really everything you do surprisingly. Except horror movies. I can't stand those." Castiel said with a scrunch of his nose

"Seems we still aren't all that different dear Novak." After a short pause, Dean continues "Oh! Right I forgot it was my turn... Um favorite bands?"

"Uh, I'm kind of an emo trinity guy, if you can't tell from my clothes." Castiel said, pointing to his Fall Out Boy shirt. "I like Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and Panic! At The Disco."

"I like AC/DC mostly, and really any rock bands."

"Wow Winchester. You really haven't changed a bit." Castiel said with a chuckle

"Yea, and you've changed too much." After a quizzical head tilt plus squinty eyes combo from Castiel, (which Dean had to admit was fucking adorable) Dean quickly covered it up "I mean not-not in a bad way! Just, ah, just that you've changed a lot since we last really talked. But, um, it suits you..." Dean trailed off, turning a color that could only barely be hidden by the mask of darkness.

"It's fine!" Castiel assured the red-faced boy

"Well, how about them questions? Uh... How's it going with Lisa?" Shit. Shit. That was too obvious. Oh god, no. nO.

"Uh, good. What about you? You're dating... Meg, right?"

"Yea, it's good. Just about a month now."

"So," Okay, here goes nothing, Dean thinks "Um, I thought that... I thought you were gay?" Dean said, trailing off at the end. Fuck. He thought. Fuck, fuck, FUCK. Why did I say that? Why did I care? Kill me.

----------Castiel's POV----------

Fuck. He had to ask that? Ugh. Okay... Well he's a homophobe right? I guess I'll just tell him it was a phase...

Dean cleared his throat, bringing Castiel out of his thoughts.

"Um, it was just a phase... I guess..."

Castiel hated saying that. He hated pretending to confirm everyone's beliefs that someone who isn't straight is just in a phase, or they're confused, or they just want attention. He hated having to pretend to be something he wasn't just so some stupid boy would accept him.

But Dean wasn't just "some stupid boy". He was a light, at the end of a dark, scary tunnel. A tunnel full of sadness and hurt and betrayal. And Castiel would do anything to keep heading towards that light.

"Uh, Cas? You're kinda zoning out there..."

"Oh" Castiel mumbled, still upset about the whole situation. Dean had leaned in a little bit to wave his hand in front of Dean's face, and this close to Dean's face, Catiel could see that Dean was... disappointed? Why is he disappointed that I'm not gay? Does he...? Is he...?

Castiel realized he had zoned out again, and brought himself back to attention. So... My turn for a question... What to say...

"Um," Castiel started "I guess I'm just gonna go with something basic. How is school?"

"God you sound like my aunt" Dean said with a laugh. "Um, pretty good. I get good grades, mostly A's and B's, cool friends and... Stuff. What about you?"

"Um, same here. Well, my friends aren't as... warm as yours."

"Woah woah woah. Hold on. You get mostly A's and B's?"

"Um... I've never gotten anything lower than an A-..." Castiel mumbled

"You haven't changed as much as I thought you did, Novak! You're still a nerd!" Dean said this, but in the most loving way possible.

"SHIT!" Castiel yelled

"What?!?" Dean said


"SHIT SHIT SHIT. LETS GO!!!" Dean yelled, grabbing Castiel's hand. The two boys ran hand in hand back to their homes, splitting in the middle of the street.

"Farewell my dear Castiel" Dean said with an exaggerated bow

"Good morrow to you as well, Deanie-Weenie" Castiel answered with a curtsy


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