Chapter 13

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----------Dean's POV----------
At school the next day, both Dean and Castiel were visibly exhausted. Neither of them got to bed until about 2 am, and then they had to wake up at 6 in order to make it to school on time.

Dean trudged into homeroom, which most of his friends were in. Benny, Garth, and Adam called him over.

"Hey man! Woah, you look like you didn't get any sleep last night." Benny commented, his southern drawl dragging the words out.

"I didn't." Dean stated, along with a large yawn

"So... Which lucky girl was it this time?" Garth questioned

"Oh no, it wasn't a girl" Dean quickly realized how that sounded, and said "I just couldn't sleep" Dean wasn't even sure of his sexuality, let alone if he was ready to come out. He had contemplated wether or not to tell them about Castiel, but he decided against it. Their groups didn't mix too well, and he decided that he'd wait until he was sure.

"Well good luck getting through school today." Said Garth.

"Thanks I'll need it."

Although Dean regretted staying up late, he didn't regret that he spent that time with Castiel. He was happy that they got to talk a little bit, and hoped there would be more moments like this in the near future.

Although Castiel had claimed that being gay was just a phase, Dean didn't believe him for one second. Dean knew Castiel, at least, the old Castiel, and he would've thought it over very carefully before telling Dean he was gay, making 100% sure he was gay, and then making sure Dean wouldn't react in a negative way. Dean had literally crushed his soul when he stormed out and he felt so bad. He was determined to be best friends with that boy again.

The bell rang, shocking Dean from his thoughts. He lazed out of the classroom, and dragged himself down the hall.

After a few steps, he picked up speed so he was at a steady speed walk, because he had realized that he had math next, and Castiel sat right in front of him.

He got to class, and spotted the raven-haired boy. He plopped down in his desk, and was about to tap his back, but decided against it, and waited for Castiel to talk first.

----------Castiel's POV----------

Castiel heard Dean sit down behind him, and was about to turn around, but the teacher walked into the room.

"Okay class," Mrs. Naomi said "Take out last nights homework."

SHIT. Castiel thought. I was too busy thinking about what I'd say to Dean to remember to do it...

Castiel took out the paper and scribbled down some answers. He was sure they were correct. Castiel never had much trouble in school, he could remember things very well.

The teacher came around, and put a 100 on his paper.

"Nice, Castiel. Good job." She muttered, before moving on to Dean.

After she finished checking the homework, she started going over it. Castiel zoned out pretty quickly, besides, he already knew all the answers.

After about 10 minutes, he feels a vibration on his right thigh. Castiel slid his phone out of his pocket when the teacher wasn't looking, and glances down.

Dean: Hey Cassie, why was 6 afraid of 7?

Castiel looks back up, just checking to make sure Mrs. Naomi isn't looking. He had long since mastered the art of texting without looking, perfect for texting in class. He thinks about his answer for a moment, then quickly types out a response, glancing down to make sure it's spelled correctly and such, then taps send.

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