Chapter 11

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SORRY!!! I'm a horrible updater, as you can tell. If any of you want to, someone could maybe like co-write this with me? I have the whole plot planned out, but only from after the actually become a couple (don't pretend it's a spoiler you knew it was gonna happen). Just like message me or something I guess if you want to co-write! ☺️

----------Castiel's POV----------

Back at school, Dean and Castiel stayed to their normal routines. They didn't really talk to each other, but they did the classic "I acknowledge you" head nod plus smile combination. Every time that happened, Cas practically combusted. He was so happy that they were on good terms again.

At lunch, he went and sat down with his usual group, Meg, Ruby, Lilith, Azazel, and Alistair. He leaned in and kissed Meg, his current girlfriend.

"Hey babe." She said

"Hi." Cas replied, trying not to grimace. They had been dating for a little over a month, and this was right around when his relationships began to crash and burn. He hated kissing all those girls, when the only person he had ever wanted to kiss was Dean. He wanted Dean to look at him like he looks at his slut of a girlfriend Lisa. He wanted Dean to hug him like that, and tell him he loved him like that. But Castiel never got what he wanted.

Cas picked at his lunch like usual, although he ate more than he usually did. He thought back to Friday night. He was happy, giddy even, which his friends all picked up on.

"Why're you so happy, Clarence?" Meg said, voicing the question they were all wondering.

"Oh, nothing." He answered, but he knew he wasn't fooling them.

"Aw c'mon Castiel! Tell us." Ruby said

Castiel wanted to tell them. He really did. But he couldn't tell them because he was dating Meg.

----------Dean's POV----------

At lunch, Dean kept sneaking glances at the table to his right. Particularly, at a certain raven-haired, blue-eyed boy. 'God Dean. Get it together. It's just Cas.' He thought.

But he couldn't get it together. Anytime he thought back to Cas, with his fucking piercings, and his fucking blue-tipped, black-as-his-soul mohawk, and his fucking raspy, deep-ass voice that made Dean want to- Stop! Dean, no. You're straight, and you're in a relationship with Lisa. You love her. Dean felt like he was trying to convince himself that more than anyone nowadays.


----------Castiel's POV----------

(After school)

Castiel sat in his room, deciding weather he should continue to watch Doctor Who, or do his homework. He decided on the first option, but thought back to Friday again. He shot up from his bed and ran over to his junk drawer.

He grabbed the walkie-talkie, walked over to his window, and clicked the talk button.

----------Dean's POV----------

Dean been just finishing up an episode of BBC's Merlin (this show broke my heart. 10/10 would watch again) when he heard it. It was a muffled "Deanie-Weenie..." In a sing-songy tone. It came from right next to him. He got up to investigate, when he heard it again "Deanie-Weenie..." A little louder. He pinpointed the noise and started digging through his bed-side table.

He pulled out the old walkie talkie and chuckled. He waited a little longer, to be sure it was coming from that, and sure enough, not 30 seconds later, a very loud, very deep voice came over the walkie talkie.


(Normal means Cas, bold means Dean)

"Okay okay! Jeesh"

"Thank god you took forever. Aren't you supposed to be smart?" Dean could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Well, I'm smarter than you."

"Okay, whatever makes you happy."

There was a short silence, until Dean spoke up


"So what?"

"You walkie'd me. What do you want?"

"Oh, right! I'm coming over."

"Now? It's almost 9"

"So? I used to come over at like midnight. I'm coming now."

"Fine. Just, climb up to my window like you used to so you don't wake everyone."

"See you in 5 Deanie-Weenie"

Five minutes later Dean hears a scraping noise. He looks down, and there's Castiel, climbing up to his window.

Dean threw open the window and Cas flopped onto the floor.

"So, am I getting bigger or is that window getting smaller?" Cas asked

"Ha-ha." Dean said in the most monotone voice he could muster

"So... Wanna do something?" Cas asked. Dean could feel his face heating up. He could think of one something he'd like to do, that something being the pierced and tattooed sarcastic little shit that just crawled through his window at 10 at night. Over the course of the week, Dean had given up pretending he was straight. At least, to himself. He knew he had a small crush on Castiel, and also knew he could never tell anyone. If the school knew he liked boys, they'd lose all respect for him as football team captain, and he'd probably get bullied.

"Uhm... I don't know. What do you wanna do?"

Cas gasps and exclaims "Remember that little playground down the road?"

"Oh yea, the one we used to go to like every day."

"C'mon!" Cas said, grabbing Dean's hand and pulling him through the house. Dean grabbed his leather jacket, trying to stop all the blood from rushing to his face as Castiel held his hand.

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